re-route based on upcoming traffic conditions / congestions
While waze does show upcoming traffic condition on one's route it does not provide facility to automatically re-route the traveler around traffic congestion using surface streets or alternate highway/freeway.
This is essential to optimizing waypoint ordering/priority:
This ought be available in other-than a binary toggle (yes or no). While yes and no are suitable broad options, waze ought provider finer grained control of re-routing as it does now (faster or shorter). These should include
(1) time windows
(2) zones / areas
(3) specific roads / highways / freeways
(4) density of other Wazers
(5) using either / both wazer data and federal/state in-road traffic monitoring
(6) "only into green"
(7) sheeple mode
define one's own rush-hours
One ought be able to specify whitelist- and/or blacklist areas in which waze performs congestion re-routing
only if density greater than X
If traffic is indicated in green elsewhere then waze may re-route me there. Otherwise waze may route me into any color traffic that is faster than where I am currently.
follow the faster herd of wazers

vince1612 commented
I once had a pop-up telling me about an accident on the highway ahead which slowed down traffic a lot. However it just notified me that my ETA changed but it kept the same road in my navigation window. I was surprised that it didn't ask or suggest if I wanted to take a side road to avoid it.
I think this should be done, it only makes sense to use real-time traffic info in order to also update navigation route in real time (perhaps with a yes/no pop-up suggestion)
Joshua commented
Is some of this being worked on? I've been re-routed in the bay area a few times recently - and I'm thankful for it. The last time was a quick route off of HWY 101 and then back on at the following ramp. that quick jog at 40 MPH on a nearby st saved my about 10 min of stop and go traffic and it was clear sailing the rest of the trip :)
Rob commented
I was also under the impression Waze did this. It seems a shame to have realtime data and not use it for realtime (re)routing.
Juvescent Joys commented
I would love to have control- or capability of this granularity!
being able to request different modes of detour which would announce the circuit path and time differential (as one cannot peruse the screen) would be much better than relying on stepwise navigation by arbitrarily exiting thoroughfare / highway / freeway. especially not knowing which are extremely suboptimal
when using 3+ waypoints waze ought prompt
between upcoming waypoints to benefit from wazer's locality familiarity which would backfeed weighted as crowd savvy (or abysmal judgment)
combined with tandem navigation with [un]known wazers to a common destination or proximal destinations. known users need be added without allegedly-social networks. advise from unknown users ought be represented visually with respect to
• locality judgment
• volume of tandem wazersallow one to privately weight judgement of known wazers
green is NOT fast enough. I need an additional color reflecting MY travel speed
• show on future [alternative] routes
• this route and surrounding area (or "zone" in veriloquous terms) -
John commented
Currently the main motorway from me to my destination is blocked/closed with 16 mile tailbacks. Waze routes me that way in all three optional routes. It doesn't want me changing my destination while driving, yet wants me to manually work out a new route based on a flurry of icons en-route. I thought auto-re-routing because of traffic was the whole point of the app. I'm not even sure I know how to manually plot a better route using it.
I Glympse commented
there's plenty of opportunity for waze to reroute in Orange County, CA but it has never happened for any Wazer I know there.
I Glympse commented
Onewould besplit a traffic population directing •some• to sidestreets(#4, #6, #7) in search of green (not yellow not red, not envrofascist) paths.
Wazeshould verbally announce expected time savedby rerouteand proposedpath by street namesfor localsto better evaluate
great copy paste! :(
see my comments on navigation waypoints
Anonymous commented
Please make waze reroute for closures at the very least. It's one thing, getting caught in traffic, but quite another being repeatedly directed to a dead end.
Charles Diaz commented
need capability to manually set a DETOUR. Allow you to detour from your route for 1/2 mile, 1 mile, 2 miles, 5 miles, 10 miles.... then back to your original route. Garmin does this very well as other Nav systems.
Charles Diaz commented
This would be good. Also add what I asked for to manually have the ability to determine a detour and its distance. See my post called "Detour Capability".
Vich commented
Essentially have a msg pop up stating based in the conditions x miles you may want to consider one of these alternate routes.
Bryan Salek commented
I find this happens sporadically. I've had it successfully route me around a huge traffic jam on I-4, with a popup prompt that it rerouted me and saved me 2 minutes. Other times, it has kept me navigated into a traffic area. That was a shorter route by about 5 miles, so it may have still be calculating a quicker arrival time. I've only been using a month or so.
alqamist commented
This is a non trivial suggestion. When I requested a route, it showed something without much reports and no red segments. However, when I got near the end of the route the conditions had changed.
Now for the non trivial part. Since there have been wazers (?) using those roads under similar conditions, it would be great if Waze could predict based on this information the most probable conditions for the route.
Less Noise commented
The app should continuously compute the fastest route and alert the driver when it differs from the route your on (previously calculated route).
Thomas commented
germaine commented
route me into the green, please
dmotivationalized commented
this will benefit both those who exit and those who do not!