carpool match
I would like to use Waze to match me with carpool buddies. Waze has a large community of active users, already knows my origin and destination as well as time of day that I leave for and from work. It also has all this information for people in the neighborhood.
If Wazers can indicate if they are open to carpooling, then Waze can help connect them.
There are some apps like Avego that try to help, but because they have such few users, they aren't useful.
Would you prefer to carpool if you could ?
Changing this to Not Planned, as it doesn't fit on our roadmap in the near future. We'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Florian Hendrickx commented
Still working on it?
Bernard Andrews commented
Indeed, you might be better off thinking about starting a business on a smaller scale. It will be almost impossible to compete in terms of promotion with such giants as Uber. If you still create a business and you need to promote it on the Internet, then first of all I recommend crowd marketing . It is inexpensive and effective, especially at the first stages of promoting your project on the Internet.
Roman 4711 commented
I think it will be quite difficult to make a business similar to Uber. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is unlikely that you will be able to compete with them in terms of promoting your business .... But you can try to make a business without looking at competitors, and then something may work out.
Anonymous commented
hola seria interesante que a través de waze pudieses juntar personas es decir colocar un destino fijar la hora indicar el medio de transporte y vincular con otra persona que esta en otro lugar para así coincidir en los horarios y en el mismo lugar para que waze vinculara esas personas algo así como señalar tu ubicación pero interactivo on line podrías preparar tu viaje y saber de la ubicación de tus amigos en tiempo real
Anonymous commented
Better yet, the hitchhiker can enter his destination to Waze and Waze can use that information to display a message only to those drivers who are going near that destination or to those that could help move the hitchiker closer alogn his way.
Anonymous commented
Make an uber-like setting where people can quickly see if anyone can carpool them in the right direction or close to it with people who are going that direction already. This could be a cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and better alternative to uber considering so many people use waze, people are always going in all directions, drivers would like extra money for going somewhere they were going anyway, and even if people cant go exactly where they want if they can get closer and save money they will be all for it. Just give drivers the option of automatically reaching out to potential passengers when they type in their route, and give potential passengers the option of typing in where they are, where they want to go, and getting linked to someone going there already.
So like uber, but with drivers that were going that direction anyway, and passengers that are fine with not going exactly to their destination. All for just the low price of gas and mileage, and all connections done automatically and as quickly as possible.
Anonymous commented
add an hitchhiker option :
- a bubble "profile" (destination, name) of the hitchhiker appears directly on the map (where he stand) (the bubble can be only a picture of the hitchhiker or other)
- the driver is notified (by sound or else) and can view the profile in more details (by clicking on the bubble for example)
- the driver then chooses to stop or not -
Anonymous commented
Sugiro colocarem wase taxi com rotas de corredor e tempo estimado. Isso passa seguranca e tranquilidade para o passageiro e agilidade
Anonymous commented
Bonjour et tout d'abord merci pour cette application bien utile !
Je suis certaine qu'un système de covoiturage de proximité pourrait être intégré à l'application de façon à permettre les co' trajets de dernières minutes. Un conducteur ayant indiqué sa destination sur Waze pourrait recevoir un signal (comme ceux pour les travaux, radars et accidents...) pour indiquer qu'un piéton (usager de waze) se trouve sur notre route et souhaite se faire déposer quelques kilomètres plus loin sur notre trajet.
Pas de détours pour le conducteur. Et un chouette moyen de faire du covoiturage de proximité, notamment en ville.
Anonymous commented
Bonjour et tout d'abord merci pour cette application bien utile !
Je suis certaine qu'un système de covoiturage de proximité pourrait être intégré à l'application de façon à permettre les co' trajets de dernières minutes. Un conducteur ayant indiqué sa destination sur Waze pourrait recevoir un signal (comme ceux pour les travaux, radars et accidents...) pour indiquer qu'un piéton (usager de waze) se trouve sur notre route et souhaite se faire déposer quelques kilomètres plus loin sur notre trajet.
Pas de détours pour le conducteur. Et un chouette moyen de faire du covoiturage de proximité, notamment en ville.
Bruno Lelis commented
Waze Car pool hm? legal
Daniel Lauton commented
Hitchhiking = "Wazehitching" ?
The problems of hitchhiking are:
- Anonymity, fear of aggression or inappropriate behavior
- Positioning on hazardous areas
- Destinations are unknown, except signs readable at the last moment.Proposed solution
• Waze should develop the "wazehitching" function:
The registered "wazehitcher" inputs his destination, the number of people, and the number of luggage. He appears on the map of the concerned registered drivers, in colour according to his rating.
His position is known.
The driver selects the hitchhiker’s icon, he listens to an audio message of an overview of this person as well as other details on the voyage. He then confirms whether it is ok.
If the "wazehitcher" is accepted in turn, the driver is guided to him (who is normally on his way). The "wazehitcher" follows the arrival of the driver on his map.
The driver and hitchhiker have an alert function in case of unforeseen incidents (number of declared travelers does not match, driver does not follow respected path, dangerous or aggressive behaviour, etc.).
Later, everyone will assign notes and leave comments.
Waze ensures the confidentiality of travels.
• The territorial governance promotes the service in the name of "mobility transition", and defines the stopping areas and/or prohibited areas.
This step towards "mobility transition" would also offer a closer relationship between travelers. There would be fewer pedestrians in danger on the roads as it is necessary to wait on the defined areas. Hitchhiking would become a common practice and modernized.
In french :
Autostop = Wazestop ? Un Wazestoppeur? Non,
allez on va dire Wazehitching et WazehitcherLes problèmes de l’auto-stop sont:
- Anonymat, crainte de comportements inappropriés
- Positionnement sur des zones parfois dangereuses
- Destination inconnue, sauf pancarte lisible au dernier moment.
Solution proposée
• Waze développe une fonction Wazehitching.
Le Wazehitcher (déjà enregistré) saisit sa destination, le nombre de passagers et les bagages. Il apparaît sur la cartographie des conducteurs concernés par le trajet, en couleur selon les notes des précédents voyages.
Sa position est déjà connue.
Le conducteur sélectionne et entend la séquence sonre de présentation, détails du voyage et appréciations. Il confirme si ok.
Si le Wazehitcher accepte à son tour, le conducteur est guidé vers lui (qui est en principe sur son trajet). Le stoppeur suit l’arrivée du conducteur sur sa cartographie.
Le conducteur et le stoppeur disposent d’une fonction d’alarme en cas l’imprévu (nombre de passagers différent, conducteur prenant d’autorité une autre direction, comportements inappropriés etc).
Plus tard, chacun attribuera une note et des commentaires.
Waze garantit la confidentialité des données.
• La gouvernance des territoires promeut l’application au nom de la Transition Mobilité et définit les zones de ramassage et/ou les zones dangereuses interdites.
Cette étape de transition mobilité offrirait une convivialité entre les voyageurs. Il n’y aurait pas de piétons circulant dans des zones dangereuses. L’auto-stop deviendrait une pratique courante et moderne. -
Bruno Lelis commented
I think I had a great idea, assuming that Waze is the current "phenomenon" of navigation, why not go to a new market, which would practically already enter the same level of rivals in the area, like a "Waze Cab "in which you would give jobs to millions of people, charging HONEST rates of drivers, not the 25% charged by rivals (uber especially), in which drivers almost pay to work, a charge around 5% think more than fair, and than increase the visibility of the app, number of downloads, more constant use and certainly a significant increase in profits, and the best part is that everyone wins, including users. This was my suggestion, thanks to those who support me in this idea, which if carried forward would be incredible
Olivier commented
Add a pedestrian mode (in which you can set a trip from A to B) in order to catch a car using Waze (carsharing) which has the same route or at least will pass by the point B.
Anonymous commented
I got here also because I had the same idea. I'm a regular Waze user and my son (age 19) just finished a 45 days hitchiking tour. Just the fact that most everyone has a GPS enabled phone in their pocket has made (in my opinion) hitchhiking safer. I want to give back and as a Waze user, I just want a 100 - 200 meter warning that a hitchiker (or 2) is up ahead so I can make a mental calculation (Do I feel like it, is my car clean / full / empty, do I have a little extra time, etc...) and also give me time to stop safely. Knowing the person's destination would be an easy bonus info as I would know in advance if my proposal will be helpful before I stop. This is a "no-brainer" even without the "bells and whistles" of user ratings and facebook connections. Just letting a user enter that he is a hitchiker going to or towards X destination and the driver getting a warning if it's on his route is HUGE! We don't need Airbnb for hitchikers. But if someone else wants to do it, I would switch apps in an instant.
Anonymous commented
Offers to allow to negotiate between the passenger and the driver for the price. The situation today is that most of the time I rule out suggestions that the price offered is irrelevant at all. It makes no sense that for a 20 minute ride the consideration will be a few shekels
I thought about this today and I looked to see if anyone had already suggested.
It would be amazing to reduce the number of vehicles daily -
Maxime de Schaetzen commented
The idea is that drivers would have their device displaying a sign indicating hitchhikers going in the same direction.
Each driver and each hitchhiker will be rated on its previous interactions so as to reduce the risk variable of this practice.
The advantage for the driver is to enjoy a conversation during his trip, to have an unexpected experience.
I Believe that not only the practice of hitchhiking can empower social interaction but that it is a beautiful and efficient tool to overcome traffic jams.
Having people "giving for free" is a rewarding system for their conscience, intrinsically people are happy to help one another.
Not to mention the environmental friendly dimension of the project.
Also, this could be a way to extend Waze's community to people who do not yet possess a car.
If I am confident that this model can and will work in the future, it is because by the time I reached my 25th birthday this year, I traveled more than 33 000 km by hitchhiking. -
DEFFEIN Charles commented
Make waze work with an app for carpooling, or insert the fonction in waze app when the user plan a journey
It can make a real revolution to become the first app of carpooling !Best regard,
Charles DEFFEIN -
yoav commented
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