Remove 'Reported map issue' from UR description
This auto generated "Reported map issue" text in the description field isn't adding much value.
In fact that field is supposed to be extra info from the user..
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
John M commented
This auto generated message is well past its "use by date" and is very spoiled
LostInMyMaps - Volunteer Editor commented
For beta testers, I've also added this as a suggestion. Link for your votes:
nzahn1 commented
Especially with recent user meta data added to reports. This needs to go.
TxAgBQ commented
Reported map issue is value-removed, rather than value-added, as it messes up filtering for URs with descriptions. Now that we can see what system was being used (on the phone or in-car) it should be removed.
Brian commented
This description text provides no value and actually interferes with the proper function of some user scripts (urcomments-enhanced for example). Please remove it
YanisKyr commented
In reply to some of the concerns/questions, with the additional user preferences section that was recently released, we can see what platform the user is using.
I'm aware it was connected to Android Auto, but it's not needed any more.
Domingues3D commented
I believe it's related with reporting in Android auto
G_W1Z commented
@Temp2123454333 - we don't know if the driver is submitting the report or the passenger.
Temp2123454333 commented
i think (just my take) that the user should be forced to add a comment when submitting a ur? as this can help more then people just dropping it every 2 seconds and not responding?
Roy (Volunteer Map Editor) commented