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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

Looking forward to reviewing your ideas,
The Waze Communities Team.

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18 results found

  1. Let editors tell app users why Places or Place updates were rejected

    Editors must sometimes reject Places and Place updates submitted from the app. But WME provides no means to communicate WHY. This is discouraging for both editors and submitters.

    WME should allow editors to select from a list of the most common reasons for rejecting Places or Place Updates in order to inform app users how to improve their Place suggestions. An example list:

    • Photos must provide clear exterior orientation for drivers
    • Descriptions must meet Waze community guidelines
    • Could not verify deletion, renaming, or other significant change
    • Non-residential Places must be meaningful to the general public
    • Gas prices cannot be moderated,…
    282 votes
  2. Improve the GPS points layer

    To branch off the discussion from the WME release topic:

    RichardPyne כתב:
    I would find GPS points much more useful if they were color coded by age rather than direction. Th arrows provide useful direction, but in areas where traffic patterns are changing due to construction, knowing the age of the trace would be far more useful.

    dchary2418 כתב:
    It could help if the GPS traces were the same original color, but shaded darker for older data.

    Glodenox כתב:
    I'd be all for somehow showing the age of the GPS points. Especially the more recent data seems of interest to…

    172 votes
    Not right now  ·  7 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →
  3. Directly edit water layer

    The water layer should be editable.

    The water layer import is outdated and frequently lakes and ponds are drawn where roads and houses now exist.

    We can add hacks to WME to suppress the display of these water features in the Waze app but this is not ideal.

    125 votes
    3 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Hi all, 

    Unfortunately this isn't possible at the moment. Many thanks for the suggestion, and we'll update if and when the status changes for this. 


    Waze Communities Team

  4. Show Lane Guidance for all editors

    Show Lane Guidance (LG) for all editors regardless of level.
    Today there is a limit to handle LG. In my country the limit is set to a higher value than my level. At present we lowlevel-editors cannot see the current LG and therefore we are not able to propose a adjustment of a existing LG nor propose a new.

    115 votes
  5. Automatically send UR reminders and mark as 'not identified' if no reply

    User Reports (URs) come in by the truckload. Despite a message from an investigating editor, only 10% of URs will receive a reply. This represents a significant amount of time by editors, particularly senior editors managing large areas, to the manual handling of individual URs. Since 90% of the URs result in the same process, help us streamline and automated it so we can focus our valuable time on productive investigations and edits that will value add to Waze.

    I propose an additional tick box under "Follow conversation" that says along the lines "Auto reminder and mark as not identified."

    109 votes
    9 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Thank you for this suggestion.

    At the moment this solution won’t be implemented. Yet, the dev team will look at the issue presented here to try and find another solution for it.


  6. Update Forum Sharing Options type of request

    Originally suggested by LostInMyMaps on my old suggestion.

    When an editor uses the forum sharing options to request an unlock, the type of request is very misleading and confusing.

    Instead of "Request an unlock", it should say something like "Unlock this so I can make the change myself"

    Instead of "Request a map update", it should say something like "Someone else make this change for me"

    81 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.

  7. Map Comments

    In Map Comments there is an expiration to remove the MC. I would really like to see a notification or email for a known date that would happen in the future, for instance a new business opening or visa versa, construction that is going to happen, etc. Many editors have just had to add to an external calendar event to get a reminder

    80 votes
    3 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    This is a great idea, and could fit into a larger solution we are looking into for more dynamic reminders in the WME. We've made a note to include this in the larger project, and will circle back when relevant. 

  8. Managed area's name - Nombre del área administrada

    Edit the name of the managed areas in the WME.
    You should be able to edit the name name of the managed areas in the WME. It would be faster to choose the area.

    Editar el nombre de las áreas gestionadas en el WME.
    Debería poder editar el nombre de las áreas gestionadas en el WME. Sería más rápido elegir el área.

    70 votes

    Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.

  9. Allow the WMEb "BETA" indicator to link back to the production WME

    In the latest beta, there is now a [• BETA] indicator in the header. Please consider adding a way to use this indicator as a shortcut back to the production WME.

    Perhap click to open a tab of with the PROD wme at the same spot, and hover+CNTL+C (or right click) to copy a PROD wme permalink.

    We'd like to encourage users to edit the BETA wme as much as possible, but when collaborating or posting to public forums, we should make it as easy as possible to share PROD permalinks.

    64 votes
    0 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.

  10. Edit Toll Prices in the WME

    The procedure to edit toll prices is complex and only certain users per community can edit those prices.

    Toll prices should be editable directly in the WME to avoid a complex process.

    64 votes
    3 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →


    Thank you for this great suggestion.
    This was also raised in the past and we understand the importance of it. With that being said, for the time being this is not planned, as it is a complex project which will need a lot of resources which are invested in a higher priority WME tasks.

    Thank you

  11. In WME: Force L1 & L2 editors to be "visible"

    To actively follow the edits of new editors in WME, it would be helpful to force them to be "visible." This would be limited to L1 and L2 editors. Perhaps this could be incorporated as part of the new L1 edits approval process.

    (Moved from "Other" category of UserVoice)

    60 votes
    1 comment  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.

  12. Close places temporary just as you can with roads

    As roads can be closed between certain dates it will be great that we can also get this for places. For example when a place is going to close for temporary construction.

    49 votes
  13. Make the error for Junction Boxes issues more intuitive

    Currently when you try to add something that is not allowed due to a junction box located on the segment somewhere (at times it could be several miles away and not visible), you get a very generic error that just says "Saving Error: Operation not supported"

    It would be more useful for the error message to say something along the lines of "Saving Error: Junction box connected to one of the segments being changed"

    47 votes
  14. All 1-way roads should automatically be A→B

    There's no need for 1-way roads to be either A→B or B→A.
    They should only be able to be A→B.

    This will solve a lot of issues us editors encounter, for example when adding road closures.
    I saw another suggestion here to apply A→B closure also on B→A segments, but it would be much better to just get rid of B→A segments.

    Let me know if there are any questions.

    44 votes
    8 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.

  15. Simulator to test editions

    Sometimes when we make changes to the map, we need to wait for it to update to see if it had the desired effect.
    It would be nice to have some type of simulation in the WME and thus be able to avoid various changes until the expected result is obtained.
    Because of COVID, many editors have not been able to check if the changes we made had the impact we wanted, so we had to wait for a report that warns us of the error or not.

    39 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →


    Thank you for the suggestion.
    At the moment we won’t be moving forward with it as adding an additional environment will need to create major change in our tile build mechanism , and our heuristics which is not planned at the moment.


  16. Show conflict choice option on deleting junction node

    (Copied over from

    If you try to delete unneeded junction node, but it can't be deleted due to a conflicting option between then, at the moment you need to inspect each segment to see what the differences are. This is especially frustrating when there may be a hidden speed limit set on a one way segment.

    Can a dialog box pop up on deletion of a junction node if there is a conflict to allow the editor to select one of the conflicting settings for the newly joined segment?


    Create an error message saying the junction node…

    29 votes
    1 comment  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Thank you for this suggestion!

    At the moment we are not going to move forward with this suggestion, as it is not aligned with our road maps and plans for JB. more info will be shared in the near future.

  17. The fact that all segments entering a Junction Box are 'locked' is a real pain. Why not do a little 'behind the curtain magic'.

    Here is how I suggest you do this: when any segment entering a JB is 'touched' in a way that would currently cause a 'flag' to warn the user that the segment is locked, WME would instead 'take a quick snapshot' of everything involved in the JB and save that information.
    A pseudo picture of the JB would be created where every segment entering the JB would be 'cut' where it crosses the boarder line of the JB.
    The portion of each segment within the JB would retain the current segment # and other information as appropriate. The portion of…

    27 votes
    2 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Improvements to Junction Boxes are not currently planned as they do not fit our roadmap or current plans for JBs. We will update the community with news about JBs in the near future.

  18. Improvment in Instruction override feature

    As you can see in the picture attached, It would be aWazing to have Instead of naming segments with the direction editors wants their TTS pronounce, have it set in the Voice Prompt Over-ride feature.


    by: milkyway35
    Link to original suggestion:

    3 votes

    Hi all, 

    Our team has determined that this can be solved through the TTS instruction override. Please coordinate with your community's Localization volunteers to enact any changes. 

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Map Editor Suggestions


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