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16993 results found

  1. Simplifier les signalements

    Bonjour, je pense qu'il serait beaucoup moins dangereux pour le conducteur de pouvoir faire des signalements par UNE SEULE action sans avoir à préciser les accidents et les dangers. Par exemple si accident léger ou grave, plusieurs manipulations à faire dans un contexte dangereux lors d'un accident de circulation ou véhicule en panne au milieu de la chaussée.
    Retour d'expérience où j'ai abandonner le signalement au risque d'un sur-accident.
    Merci à toute l'équipe

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  2. Add notes to each leg of a journey (drive)

    When I arrive at my destination, Waze prompts me to add additional data to the drive. e.g. a category of "Business" or "Personal", comments such as "Meeting with Joe Bloggs". By combining with Waze becomes a great journey logger for expense claims

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  3. תכנון נסיעה מרובה כתובות

    כל תחילת נסיעה להכניס מספר כתובות לא מוגבל ושתוכנת וויז תסדר אותם לפי הסדר כך כל המשלוחנים וכיוצא בהם יוכלו לחסוך זמן יקר בחיפוש אחר הכתובת הקרובה אליהם.

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  4. Light Mode for Low End Devices

    Everyone loves to use waze, but some people are not able to because the app may not work properly on some devices with lower end specs.

    The app has evolved to a point where it requires more RAM and better processing power to accommodate all the features it relies on.

    Of course, some animations and other visual stuff can be turned off or at least toned down so they impact less the RAM and CPU power.

    My request is that a option that makes the app consume less resources be added, so everyone can enjoy and contribute with the community.

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  5. Programable flying hotkeys.

    Some, maybe three, programable flying make it only one move to share something (traffic or other inform.)

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  6. Ich finde, dass in Waze eine “gewichtsabhängige” Routenführung fehlt.

    Ich finde, dass in Waze eine “gewichtsabhängige” Routenführung fehlt. Es werden immer mehr Straßen/Autobahnen auf Zeit/Dauer für Fahrzeuge über einem bestimmten Gewicht gesperrt,

    Als erstes Beispiel möchte ich hier die A1 - Brücke über den Rhein bei Leverkusen nennen die für Fahrzeuge mit einem Gewicht von über 3,5t (auch leichteres Zugfahrzeug und Anhänger) absolut gesperrt ist. Hier kommt es immer wieder (täglich) zu mehrere Kilometer langen Staus.

    Ein weiteres Beispiel ist die Verbindung A40/B1/A44 im Stadtgebiet von Dortmund (Zwischen den AK Dortmund-West (A40/A45) und AK Dortmund/Unna (A1/A44). Hier besteht in der Zeit von 22:00 Uhr bis 06:00 Uhr ein Durchfahrtverbot…

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  7. ביום שישי מופיע על המסך זמן כניסה שבת לפי האיזור

    ביום שישי מופיע על המסך זמן כניסה שבת לפי האיזור

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  8. Please map the highway on the north coast of Jakarta-Semarang-Surabaya right now! Thank you...!

    Please map the highway on the north coast of Jakarta-Semarang-Surabaya right now! Thank you...!

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  9. Disable Bluetooth usage in app. I use Bluetooth as a care phone, but listen to the radio.

    I use the Bluetooth for car phone use, but listen to the radio. Because you can't turn off Bluetooth use in waze, it runs silent because it's trying to alert you by Bluetooth.. a setting for Bluetooth use within the app would be helpful..

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  10. Map Correction

    To waze map team; I think some idiot in your dumb map team has edited the Pakistan map and showing Jammu and Kashmir in Indian territory. You need to show it in Pakistani territory, stop confusing people with your discriminative thinking and unilateral approach towards the facts, I bet its some Indian who is sitting in Waze or Google his doing. Dekh layen gey tumhain bachoo!

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  11. Aires de repos

    Alors tout comme nous mettons de plus en plus en avant les parkings lors de long trajet sur l'autoroute il est conseillé de prendre régulièrement des pauses se dégourdir les jambes s'aéré changer de conducteur quand cela est possible ... puis bon certaines envie pressante (pas besoin d'un dessin) une option afin d'alerter de l'air de repos la plus proches ou la possibilités de les repéré facilement sans avoir a les chercher via les panneau etc qui nous ajouterais l'air la plus proche dans le parcoure.

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  12. Routine reminders/notifications/alarms

    Along the lines of alarms... for repeated trips (like commuting) it would be great if Waze could alert you of potential delays and/or suggest you leave earlier for daily commute if it is seeing traffic/construction/etc.

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  13. סימון מיוחד והתראה על כבישים אדומים

    התראה לנהג כשהוא עומד להיכנס לכביש אדום או כשמסלול הנסיעה שלו עובר בכביש אדום. כמו כן מתן סימון מיוחד לכביש אדום

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  14. Gas station PUR

    I see many PUR about gas station prices being wrong, and the only option we have is to hit "ignore" since we can't contact the reporter and we can't change prices in the editor. I'd like to have the app automatically pop up a box showing the user how to change gas prices if they report a problem and the place type is a gas station. Obviously many users don't know how or know that they can change gas prices themselves.

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  15. Weather for Jeeps and Convertibles

    I'd like to be able to set preferences for what weather I'd like the top down on my jeep for. If my entire route will experience that weather, with little or no chance for rain, Waze should send an alert suggesting that I "ride to work with the top down"

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  16. Optimal Speed Suggestion

    If there's a big traffic jam at a point 2/3 of the way to my destination, it may not help me get there on time if I drive at full speed or over the speed limit up to the point of the jam. Waze could set my suggested driving speed lower for a more even pace over the course of the trip. In some cases, a lower driving speed may help me conserve fuel (and thereby create a smaller carbon footprint) and if many drivers use this we may see safer roads as fewer people speed around rushing to get…

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  17. Account recovery not a new account

    How about when a user gets a new phone or their phone crashes (both scenarios keep original Waze account phone number) an account reset or recovery option? You know, one that does NOT create a new account and informs you afterwards that you just hosed yourself because now you will never get your account back. I'm not so worried about the "points" I lost, it's my user name that still shows up as a user that I can no longer access. It's great you guys gobbled up Waze, how about raising your standards to that of the original company?

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  18. Sugestão de alerta: Animais na pista

    Sugestão de alerta de animais na pista, algo seríssimo caso seja a noite e animais sejam grandes (como uma vaca preta que quase atropelei a noite ha pouco tempo na rodovia)

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  19. Route change warning due to traffic or closure

    It would be nice to get a warning of when a route is changed from the original route, especially taking local roads instead of freeway due to traffic or closure. I could see a few traffic pins before navigating, but usually it's not a big deal because it's typically a minor slowdown. At times, there are no pins before navigating because the route is different than normal. People are accustomed to their daily routine route that it can cause temporary confusion on why the route is changed.

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  20. Using the Waze App to isolate and track disease

    I know this seems a bit unusual but with the amazing location ability of your app and how it is collaborative you could use it to track cancer by street, neighborhood, city and state. I would think this could then possibly help to point at environmental causes or symptons related to this or even other diseases.

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