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17438 results found

  1. Most people loves the Tesla cockpit screen ! I love it, it would be nice if the Waze app could have similar features and skins. Obd2 option

    Most people loves the Tesla cockpit screen ! I love it, it would be nice if the Waze app could have similar features and skins. Obd2 option Is a great combo and maybe a DIY on other apps that could be placed like widgets or similar

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  2. signalisation radars fixes

    En France il serait bon de ne plus pouvoir signaler les radars de police visibles ou cachés dans un rayon de 500 1000 mètres autour des radars fixes déjà signalés par waze.
    ça éviterai les doublons et les erreurs d'appréciation du radar en face sur le trajet et aussi pour certains wazeurs d'accumuler des points inutilement....

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  3. Recording your average speed once one has entered an average speed check zone.

    Recording your average speed once one has entered an average speed check zone.

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  4. We visited Miami and were directed by the Waze app to use the I-95 Express Lane.

    Unfortunately, we didn't have the required subscription so we were issued a $28 ticket.

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  5. Opção de aslfato ruim trepidações ,estradas vicinais e municipais de terra (sem pavimento)radares móveis e datas de rodízio por placas

    No Brasil as estradas são péssimas e cheias de trepidação seria viável se no Waze tivesse esse tipo de alerta que também pode ser usado na cidade

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  6. Remove parking pins!

    Remove parking pins! wow that hard hmm i have 20 in the same spot!!!!!

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  7. PLEASE stop accepting political ads. I'll accept business ads but political ads will make me stop using waze. I'm sure I'm not alone.

    PLEASE stop accepting political ads. I'll accept business ads but political ads will make me stop using waze. I'm sure I'm not alone.

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  8. FM transmetter

    Would it be possible to add in any TTS indication a TA/TP code from RDS that would not be eared but would be recognized on a FM transmitter that would allow to automatically switch from the listened FM station to the Waze info and then go back to the FM station.
    I don't know how it works with RDS but it would be good to investigate on it That would give another marketing advantage for all the people who use FM transmitters on their cars.
    I hope it's clear (not sure), if you have questions do not hesitate.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Introducing law enforcement personnel locally to encourage people to comply with driving laws.

    Waze software introduces law enforcement (people who follow the rules of guidance and driving) locally to encourage other waze users to select such individuals as their own template.

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Aggiornamento dei prezzi fatta da pirati avventori di inutili punti!

    Eppure, basterebbe non dare punti per chi aggiorna i prezzi dei carburanti senza correggere il prezzo. Ma che ci devono fa’ co’ ‘sti punti! Anzi, meglio: niente punti a nessuno. Chi li aggiorna, lo faccia per spirito di community, non per otto sfigati punti che non servono a niente. Oggi addirittura ne ho trovato uno con benzina a 1.256 e gasolio più alto. Ricordate quando hanno invertito la posizione dei prezzi? Quattro, cinque mesi fa? Era ancora così ma era stato appena dichiarato aggiornato dal solito pirata che nella mia zona se li fa tutti così. A mo basta. Qualcuno…

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  13. BadRoads - app for road quality analysis

    I'm an application developer for road quality analysis BadRoads. Now I am looking for buyers for my own development!

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  14. שלום רב. אנו חברת קרטינה טיוי. משרדנו ברחוב המלאכה 39 בחולון. נבקש לשנות את שם העסק כפי שמופיע במפה ל - Kartina TV

    שלום רב. אנו חברת קרטינה טיוי. משרדנו ברחוב המלאכה 39 בחולון. נבקש לשנות
    Kartina TV - את שם העסק כפי שמופיע במפה ל

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  15. Make sure that a NZ person does the waze updates so we can don't need the accent which is hard to understand also

    Also make sure they tell you to turn right before you right there so you can change lanes if needed to, & don't say turn left now then find out OOPS one way st & I can.

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  16. התראה על רמזורים בדרך

    בדיוק כמו שהוויז יודע להגיד שבעוד כמה מטרים יש כיכר או פניה או כל דבר אחר
    ידע הוויז להגיד שיש רמזור לפנינו, לא משנה באיזה צבע עמם ההתראה על הרמזור כבר תוריד את הסיכון ותגדיל את הבטיחות

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  17. Respondendo para “antigerme”

    Boa noite !
    Tentei responder a mensagem de antigerme , mas não consegui.
    Vou tentar explicar por aqui, pois não consegui descobrir como responder pelo app.

    Não é a primeira vez que coloco o destino como “Ceasa do Rio Vermelho” e o sistema me dá uma rota equivocada.
    A primeira vez, a indicação era seguir até último retorno da av .Lucaia , quando na verdade o retorno em frente ao Ceasa é suficiente para chegar ao destino e estacionar lá dentro .
    Da segunda vez , como estava mais congestionado , o sistema me mandou entrar na Alameda dos Ipês,…

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  18. Navigate shortest route

    With the new update you all took away the option to search by shortest route available or Fastest route available. Please bring this function back.

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  19. local law icons (like "no-turn-on-red")

    I travel a lot for work, and never know basic road rules where I'm at. So I always err on the side of caution. Things like "Can I turn right on a red?", better not.
    It would be AWESOME if I could drop a very small little overlay with icons of my choosing for (optional overlay please, with checkboxes if I want this particular feature):
    - Right-turn-on-red "green-yes / red-no / grey-unknown"
    - Passing-on-right-allowed "<same colors>"
    - etc. for other 'odd' little region specific things that I'm sure you'll get 100 suggestions

    They could even be triggered overlays by my…

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  20. Add closure report to Android Auto

    There does not appear to be a way to report a temporary closure of a road due to an accident, etc. from within the Waze Android Auto interface. Please consider adding this feature.

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    Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.

    We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.


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