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17345 results found

  1. Pam Poovey [Archer FX] Waze Voice

    Amber Nash, the voice of Pam on Archer FX, is gung-ho about this idea! All we need now is for Waze to make it happen!

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  2. Handicap Parking Spots

    Report if you are in a Handicap Parking Spot and if you Leave out of the Handicap Parking Spot how other Wazers who are Handicap will know a Empty Handicap Parking Spots is Open and Available.

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  3. Upgrade

    You need to follow Google's maps lead and upgrade waze so it can calculate the distance between two points from a location to a destination and you need to do it yesterday. I can't believe nobody there has thought of this. You are lagging waze. Get with the competition.

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  4. Route change warning due to traffic or closure

    It would be nice to get a warning of when a route is changed from the original route, especially taking local roads instead of freeway due to traffic or closure. I could see a few traffic pins before navigating, but usually it's not a big deal because it's typically a minor slowdown. At times, there are no pins before navigating because the route is different than normal. People are accustomed to their daily routine route that it can cause temporary confusion on why the route is changed.

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  5. The new narration

    Hello waze team, good morning.
    We know that the crisis awakens creativity in the mind of those who feel trapped and having debts to pay. I was on my way to the inner city of piracicaba in SP, accompanied by a friend who directed the waze-oriented application. It was then that I noticed how much the voice that narrated the path bothered me, a formal and feminine voice that left made the route not comfortable. From this I had the idea to improve the application by creating more voice options that fit the profile of each user: versions of praise…

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    No me gustaría que a mi hijo lo atropellara un conductor borracho que acaba de evitar un control de la policía gracias a los avisos en Waze, o que un delincuente mate a alguien porque ha evitado dichos controles y sigue haciendo de las suyas, incluso que un comando terrorista siga su camino porque ha sido informado de los puestos de control de la policía.

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  7. Driven km in the app. and different viechles.

    Driven km in the app. and different viechles.

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  8. Lors d un dépassement de la vitesse autorisé l écran du téléphone deviendrait noir et dé que on respect la vitesse le guidage revient

    Lors d un dépassement de la vitesse autorisé l écran du téléphone deviendrait noir et dé que on respect la vitesse le guidage revient
    C est un bon moyen de persuadé les conducteurs

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  9. Map Ideas

    I enjoy Waze and have saved time on commutes that could other wise be hectic, living in and traveling around the Chicago area. However what I would like to see 1-how to eliminate Waze's directing me through Allies, not safe especially in some of the chicago area I hit, 2-Wazes letting me know my destination is coming up on the left or right instead of you arrived, being in a major city "you arrived" could be a huge challenge.

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  10. New front screen warning

    Hi all. I think we need a new front screen, just after you type your destination. This new screen will give you traffic info and route options like Google Maps does and more. Like and advanced warning before your drive starts. Otherwise you can just think, why has this diverted me? Then not bother and carry on ignoring the re route.

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  11. max parking height

    At work we can choose between a VW Caddy (height 1,89m) and a BMW 316 (lower :P ).
    Today only the BMW was available, so we took that one.
    At Brussels I drove into a parking, close to our destination thanks to waze.
    The parking is very low, the max. height is 1,75m. Luckily we were there with the bmw and not the Caddy.
    It would be a nice feature if the max. height would be announced of parking space.

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  12. Tell Wazers to form a rescue alley in a traffic jam

    When you are in a traffic jam you have to form a rescue alley (in germany and many other countries). But nobody is doing so. That's making it hard for the ambulance to reach the injured people.

    Please tell the wazers to form a rescue alley when waze recognizes a traffic jam.

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  13. Diable Phone interuption display when navigating

    When navigating and you receive a call, the navigation display is disabled all the time you are on a call, when most of the time I need the navigation especially around cities.
    Can you make it so that only a small pop-up reminds you that a call is being received/made and yet still displays the maps and route?

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  14. מקבלים משהו על כך.. אם אני נותן לכם הצעה שתגדיל לכם משמעותית את מס' המשתמשים באפליקציה?? אם כן אז...

    יש לי רעיון לתוספות ושדרוג של האפליקציה שיכול להגדיל משמעותית את המשתמשים באפליקציה...
    אם תרצו לשמוע על כך ניתן ליצור קשר למייל

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  15. יש טעות לשונית בהנחיה הקולית - המ"ם במילה "מחלף" צריכה להיות בסגול ולא בקמץ

    יש טעות לשונית בהנחיה הקולית - המ"ם במילה "מחלף" צריכה להיות בסגול ולא בקמץ

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  16. יש טעות לשונית בהנחיה הקולית - המילה "מחלף" צריכה להיות בסגול ולא בקמץ

    יש טעות לשונית בהנחיה הקולית - המ"ם במילה "מחלף" צריכה להיות בסגול ולא בקמץ

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  17. Ghost drive

    Add a feature that enables one to compete with his/her previous day journey. Like a ghost drive that shows where u were yesterday compared to the current drive. This will provide one with real time information that will assist in decision making about the speed and other alternative routes

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  18. A smartphone app that looks for free Parking spots

    The app is a paid app. The user pays 120 tokens per year. For this, he receives information about the locations of free Parking.
    The use of the information about free Parking you have to pay 1 token. The token is debited from the account automatically when the user is declared by the application location. When the user leaves the location, then the location is considered to be free. The information that the user has left the place, can be read with the help of geolocation.
    Every time the user finds somewhere free Parking, ihe can inform the app. If…

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  19. ese es mi deceo legal

    16263721796 Usa. Azusa Ca.
    Estados Unidos
    Última sincronización legal

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  20. Lost account * Any way to get my information back through mobile #?

    I recently got a new iPhone battery installed...... never again. Anyways--- I went to open up my maze app and I was logged out - unfortunately I do not remember my account name or password ---- I know I had one and I also know it was linked with my phone number somehow. I would think waze employees could find my account for me - yet there is no way to contact them..... I just want my account status and points back. Any help?

    Thank You,
    Cierra J

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