Waze Suggestion Box
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17365 results found
Consider real-time & historic traffic patterns for all appropriate routes prior to proposing best route
Real-time traffic patterns for longer journeys are of limited use. Further, in the case of short journeys where there is a vast difference between on- and off-peak traffic patterns, it would be very helpful if the app could consider historic conjestion zones over the period of a few days or months.
2 votes -
Sound Navigation
One of my favorite things about Maps is when I'm in route to my destination and I want to here what my next step in my direction is that I can tap the screen and here the lady tell me what to expect next whether I'm .2 miles away, 1 mile away or 5 miles away from my next turn. With Waze If I'm driving and want to hear what my next turn is I have to wait for the app to choose when to vocally acknowledge what I am to do next. I would like Waze to have the…
3 votes -
Gostaria que fosse inserido no WAZE, estradas com pedágio e valores e postos de combustíveis na rota programada.
Inserir rodovias com pedágio e o valor e sua localização durante o trajeto e postos de combustíveis.
10 votes -
Radar - aparecer mensagem informando qual é a distância para o proxímo radar
Radar - logo após passar por um radar, aparecer mensagem informando qual é a distância para o próximo(s) radar e não somente quando estamos chegando próximo dele.
12 votes -
In ISRAEL, have a "DANGER" for tires on road ahead, or Stone Rock throwers .
2 votes -
On devrait pouvoir signaler les radars (cinémomètres) sans policier.
On devrait pouvoir signaler les radars (cinémomètres) fixes de vitesse (sans policier) et les radars mobiles de vitesse (sans policier).
5 votes -
המתנה לשיפור המצב בכביש
במקרה של עומס כבד וגם עומס רגיל, אפשרות להמתין ולקבל התראה כאשר הפקקים מתשחררים וזמן הנסיעה מתקצר משמעותית
יכול לעזור למשל במקרים של עומס חריג/ תאונה/ כביש חסום וכו', כך נוכל לחכות במקום המוצא ולדעת מתי הפקקים השתחררו ואפשר לצאת לדרך.
6 votes -
Foghorn Leghorn voice Option
Add Foghorn Leghorn voice to the voice language selection. He has such a good way with belittling others!
12 votes -
Make Waze for car satnavs
It would be great if I could replace my cars inbuilt TomTom satnav with Waze.
It runs off Andrioid so hopefully shouldn't be that hard.
4 votes -
Remove leve
Hello waze you have to remove the level users, becouse it's abuses by some witch locks down POI's so we other can't help changing problems, witch apears. It's limited when it comes to changing becouse it has to be aproved by the user witch has been locking the segment or POI's down. and they arnt very fast in doing that.
I can say that i know lots of pre users of waze witch has unistalled the app and choosed compeditors choise instead becouse the say waze is impossible to get right. becouse it's too slow users.
Best regards Peter
1 vote -
Flash Screen when sound is muted when route instruction is "active".
To improve driver awareness when route instruction is "active".
5 votes -
Improve your UI for submitting map issues
This is both in the Waze phone app and in the Map editor. When submitting a map issue, the text box is very small and not obvious. It's barely visible so it's easy to miss and only select the issue and hit send.
In the map editor, when replying to a comment about a map issue, the Done button is big a blue and the Send button is small and grey. It's very easy to spend a few minutes typing a reply then hitting Done instead of Send and therefore losing the entire message.You should really work on your…
9 votes -
1,2,3 cars icon for traffic condition
why not use 1 car icon for moderate traffic and 3 cars for complete standstill traffic
1 vote -
Differentiate entry and exit sounds
Please differentiate the sound for entering a danger area and existing. In the current version the sounds are the same and it necessitates looking at the screen to see what's happening.
If the "entering" sound were a rising tone and exiting were a falling tone this distraction to look at the screen would be avoided.4 votes -
People watching cars in Brazil (aka flanelinhas)
We suffer with these guys that "watch" our cars when we have to pay for the parking on the streets. If you don't pay additional for these criminals, they will scratch the car or even break the windows.
I suggest to add a flag into Waze so that we can flag up in which streets these guys are cornering us.2 votes -
Polis varningen
Hej jag tycker att rapporteringen angående polis bör tas bort. Det finns en anledning till att polisen står där dom står. Speciellt om dom står gömda. Polisen är till för att plocka dom som kör för fort eller någon som kan vara efterlyst. Att varna andra om vart dom finns kan göra att dom inte lyckas ta den dom söker.
2 votes -
חשבתי על פיצר שתוכלו להוסיף ומאוד יעזור למשתמשים
הרבה פעמים יוצא לנו לבדוק את זמן הנסיעה של מסלול מסויים הרבה לפני הנסיעה, דבר שהוא לא נכון בגלל שהתנועה על הכביש משתנה.
הצעתי היא לאחר שבוחרים מסלול לתת אפשרות של התראת זמן מראש
דוגמא: אני בבוקר יודע שבשעה שבע בערב אני צריך להיות במקום מסויים
אבל עכשיו זמן הנסיעה הוא חצי שעה ובשבע זמן הנסיעה יהיה שונה
כך שמשעה חמש אני צריך לבדוק כל רגע את משך הנסיעה בשביל לדעת מתי לצאת לדרך.
אני מציע שתהיה אפשרות לקבל התראה של כמה דקות מראש ע"פ עומסי התנועה שעלי לצאת לנסיעה
(מקווה שהסברתי…2 votes -
Preguntar si quieres ir por autopistas de peaje
Actualmente solo deja seleccionar si queremos o no ir por autopistas de peaje.
Estaria bien tambien apareciera la opción de preguntar si quieres ir por autopista de peaje, porque alguna vez si que puede interesar y otra no. Ahora mismo la unica forma para hacer esto es entrando en los ajustes y esto es muy lento a la hora de preparar el viaje. Ademas siempre se olvida la opción que se tiene puesta.
Un Saludo9 votes -
il faudrait pouvoir signaler un problème dans les 2 sens en même temps.
Quand on signale un problème tel que contrôle de police par exemple,
Il n'y a la possibilité de le signaler que dans "mon sens" ou "sens inverse".
Or il arrive quelque fois que le contrôle se fasse dans les 2 sens. Il est alors impossibe de signaler les 2!Je suggère de rajouter un 3ème choix "dans les 2 sens".
24 votes -
Trace your route
A trace button , Some times you get to rural areas and here is no road, so you would trace your route, make your path.
This would be good for people that has 4x4 and do trails.6 votes
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