Multi-stop route feature
When you want to stop at several points along your route you should have the ability to set multiple destinations

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Alexey Remizov commented
in 3.7.6+ they made this in Waze. Now this issue can be closed and voted regained.
Katsumi commented
Make Waze accept many stops (like deliveries) and map the best route. Maybe create a round trip option, too.
gino belis commented
with routexl you can download multiple destinations, but unfortunately not for waze, yes the winner is tomtom
more allayed commented
I wish this
ACTUALLY was available for android
Sylvia commented
And how nice this feature will be if you can avoid highway's and all so it can function as a navigation for bikers on a sunday afternoon trip, YEAH!
Atronao commented
My idea is to have several destinations in a route. For instance every morning I drive from home to pick up my mother then drop off my kids at school to later drop off my mother at work and then drive to my work. It would be great to create a route with multiple stops A B C & D and Waze decides the best way to go from A to B then from B to C and later C to D. Users would be able to store destinations in order such as Navigate to Morning Commute which is 1. A 2. B 3. C and 4. D. This way users can store to reuse every morning and are inform of traffic along there complete morning route. I would appreciate if this feature is included. Thanks.
JimB commented
This would be great for my days off running errands. It's not the same as the top request. That is for a stop en route.This is done before starting.
Anonymous commented
Travelling salesman capability to enter multiple destination addresses from the web, even link via google maps, link function so that one can plan a route with multiple destination on his desktop and follow it on his/her mobile device. Simple file download with a predetermined order of destination could be a great help for any real estate person showing houses.
Rodney Yates commented
Please do not vote for this instead vote for the multistop feature. -
Rodney Yates commented
Please do not vote for this instead vote for the multistop feature. -
Vlad commented
I'll try to explain my thought on this matter.
Issue #1. You have to know your destination from very beginning.
Possible solution: "continue to.." option along with "Add stop". Which will all destination point to the end of the list.Issue #2. While adding stop, your only option is to choose it from Favorite list. You can't search or simply define your stop by tapping on the map.
Issue #3. Search results sorting. I would suggest to add new sorting criteria: "additional distance for your current route". I mean, how much longer my route become if I'll decide to add "this" as additional stop.
Issue #4. Stops management tool. You have to be able to change order of your stops. Including change of your final destination.
BigPapa Bacon commented
I drive for a company and make multiple stops every hour...can we put the stops in order and have several stops in memory?
Juvescent Joys commented
the most mature request for such is
the claim is completed. is it on iPhone? android isn't: one waypoint is NOT a waypoint feature
there other suggestions vaguely mention "something" nice but provide no outline or semantics. 3+ waypoints routing could be deemed complex as routing logic but providing more user UI controls for arrangements (and on the fly) couple with the idea submitted by veriloquous
Andrea Roher commented
What's sad is that there's no common way to refer to this feature (waypoints, multiple stops, itinerary, etc). It seems desired, but hard to find an existing suggestion, so many competing suggestions out there not getting the votes.
Andrea Roher commented
And a few more:
Andrea Roher commented
There are several similar ideas... I like all of them, but separately, they will not likely get enough votes to succeed.
Andrea Roher commented
This itinerary planning is a functionality that most stand-alone GPS systems have and one of the only things I miss when using Waze instead of TomTom.
It would be awesome to add related features (including one I've only seen in Microsoft Streets & Trips):
1. Ability to set time ranges on the stops with warnings if there's no way to make the times.
2. Ability to set duration on stops. This will allow for more accurate ETAs, allowing for planned stops.
2. Option to have locations placed in a logical order based on travel (to avoid backtracking). In conjunction with 1 and 2 (above), this would push the stops as needed while still meeting the time range if possible. This is the Streets & Trips feature, and it may not be doable, but if it could be implemented, it would make Waze completely unbeatable. -
Karla commented
I just loaded waze 10 minutes ago and am thinking of trashing it because it can't do this!
not device's person commented
.. hand of the waZeR
not device's person commented
a much more detailed suggestion mistakenly marked completed
which seems to have been intended as complimentary to
putting more routing logic in the hand of the waxed