Multi-stop route feature
When you want to stop at several points along your route you should have the ability to set multiple destinations

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Sandro Vitareli commented
È um recurso extremamente útil para quem faz trabalho de campo e que tem fazer várias paradas em pontos específicos. Vamos providenciar isso galera!!!
Chris Compo commented
Deff a good idea as it isn't uncommon to set out, then get a call to to go another job first. That's your route ruined. Possibly your knowledge of how to get to the next place as well. So yes and may you could select now navigate to job 2 instead of 1 then then it could ask you where your starting next. Or you just select your next drop.
Raz Yalov commented
Would be great to allow multiple stops as well as reorder them and plan them from my computer
Grace Kelley commented
This would be a perfect feature to add for the daily work/home commute point settings... You know, for those of us who drop off kids at school on the way to work every day...
Marty Kelly commented
I am a Realtor and would love to be able to pre-program addresses for my home tours.
Claudio commented
I would like to add multiple addresses, the waze indicate me which has less distance from the list, so on.
Shmuel Tropper commented
A must have.
Planning a multi stop route depending on traffic or as "my order" is the best way to plan your trip.
Wish it was here already :-( -
Tim commented
I would love to be able to have WAZE record a start and stopping point while I drive a specialized route and then make that route available to friends so that they can follow the exact same route. I avoid horribly busy highways to get home and it really makes a difference when it comes to the stress level. It would be great to share my short cuts and have WAZE take my friends and family that route with no problems.
Miles commented
While there is a add stop feature, when I have used it, half of the time something happens to where I end up being directed to the original stop alone, or that the first stop was not clearly stated as an arrival point, so I miss the first stop...
Anonymous commented
I agree will be great
Diane Rowley commented
Please, please, please!
Fernando Kursancew commented
When entering a new destination on multiple stops it would be nice to choose if that destination it's the first or last stop
Kanye commented
Can you add this to your menu, I hope you will understand my suggestion. Can you add this kind of feature, that there should be a 2nd drive option after setting the destination on 1st drive so that the driver will continue his driving and no need to stop just to change his next destination.
I Hope you will respond to my request.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to set multiple stops and arrange them from start point to end. For example. ChoOse which one I would like to do first, second, third and so on. I would rate this app as the top app if they just add that
DiasWeslley commented
Muito importante, principalmente para novos usuários.
Chip commented
Please add the following features to this request
1. the ability to plan the trip from my PC/MAC on the waze web site.
2. The ability to suspend my multi stop trip say for a one day stop in Phoenix, use waze for navigating around town, and then pick back up my trip where I left off when it's time to move to my next stop. -
Manny commented
Route optimization would an be awesome addition to this.
It would keep so many people from having to plan on mapquescrap -
Mitch commented
I second that "great idea!"
Anonymous commented
Bonjour, donner la possibilité d'imposer des villes étapes dans la définition du trajet.
Merci -
Anonymous commented
As a road warrior electrical engineer, this would be great. I now am having to use an old version of Delorme Street Atlas to plan my trips/routes and then enter each point individually in Waze. The ability to set a default and then individual stop times would be great. Also having quick access to ETA times on screen (maybe by tap on stop icon) would be helpful. A starting / ending time for the route would help keep things on time.