Allow declaring Toll Roads and the option to not navigate through them
Waze wants to route me through a toll road every day and can't seem to find an alternate route until I actually drive it. I want to be able to avoid Toll roads, which means tolls roads need to be able to be declared in the editor.

Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Ian Chai commented
Malaysia has been added to the list where this is supported, yay!
Matt Dittrich commented
Andrew, the "Auto-learn routes..." option is misnamed. This setting does not affect the route chosen. It only enables the ability for Waze to suggest a destination for you when you start up the app, i.e., "Good Morning! Heading to work?"
Bruno D. Rodrigues commented
Andrew, please post this information on the forum providing permalinks to the toll area on the M2 road that fails so we can try to help you.
Andrew commented
While I have the "Avoid tolls" option on my Android phone in Australia, Waze blithely ignores it, and goes to incredible lengths to try to route me onto the M2 tollroad *every* morning!
And it doesn't seem to "learn my routes" either, as I take the same alternative non-toll route every day! -
Esctaz commented
It will be great to know the amount af the toll in order to choose one road or an other!
Bruno D. Rodrigues commented
The feature is working and gets enabled when the italian editors guarantee that a big percentage of the tolls were added to the italian map. It's up to the italian editors to do their work, not Waze. Push your community ;)
Alexgiamby commented
.....and Italy???? (we pay a lot of taxes and this option will be verrrrrrry helpful! Thanks
Matt Dittrich commented
Woohoo! USA client can now avoid toll roads! Thanks Waze!
Test commented
This could be marked as started...
Matt Dittrich commented
Thanks for the post Sascha! I hadn't seen that. As soon as Waze HQ is confident that all the toll roads in your country are marked correctly, then they'll release an update to the app that has "avoid toll road" or some such option!
Sascha Kolenko commented
This feature has already been implemented for all countries:
Just start marking the Toll Roads in your area, and in a couple of weeks, they will be pushed your the client.
Matt Dittrich commented
@Sam: Seriously. This limitation is the only reason I can't *wholeheartedly* recommend Waze.
Sam Holmquist commented
Can I use all my votes on this? This is seriously the only feature I've cared about since I started using Waze.
Joe commented
Come on people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been using Waze for a year and a half now...every update that comes out I hope and pray this one is on it...
Before I went to Waze I was using another GPS program which had it...What is the hold up?? Who cares if we use a dirt road or not?? Don't get the car dirty??
Lots of people care not to pay more money out for tolls though!!!!PLEASE DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
André Felício commented
Any news for Brazil?
bedo commented
This function is now working in Italy!!!
Sascha Kolenko commented
Add toll avoidance for iPhone in Australia please.
Bryant Petteway commented
I was a little confused as I searched for a good 15 minutes as to how there is a dirt road option and no toll.
Although it does reroute when you miss a turn or intentionally miss the toll, it often times just reroutes you back to the toll
I happened to drive from Austin to Dallas to Houston and back to Austin in less than 24hrs. I can navigate Austin without it but while in Houston and Dallas it threw me into tolls 4 times total all of which i wasn't prepared for nor had the change for
I have an iPhone 4
Carlo Gaspro commented
Townhall commented
I use Waze often. this (avoid toll roads) is a key feature. which force me has to use other GPS navigation from time to time. and when recommend waze to others, the only feature make others have hesitance.