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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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35 results found

  1. Two-Way Traffic Ahead Permanent Hazard

    This permanent hazard would warn users that the road they are travelling on transitions from one-way to two-way traffic. This would not be used for sections of road where traffic gives way to oncoming traffic temporarily (see the suggestion for Narrow Road Permanent Hazard), but instead for roads that are one-way only for a distance and suddenly transition to two-way, as to warn the user that there will be oncoming traffic.

    • Ex 1: Drivers heading south on the one-way must be in the right lane to continue onto the two-way road, where traffic from the opposing two-way direction does…

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  2. Issue Tracker Option ~ Add ability to have Map Area and Managed Area at same time

    We need the ability to have the "Map area" option selected along with either the "Managed area" or "Specific location" option selected.

    Why you may ask?

    This just happened to me.

    I keep my settings as "Managed area" or "Specific location" so that I can work URs, PURs, etc anywhere any my managed area or State without being at a specific map area

    Someone contacts me by chat for assistance in a location that is not in my managed area or specific location (whichever I have set) and I help them out. Reporter is a happy camper.

    Since I don't…

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  3. Opening hours, by appointment only

    Looks useful to me to add the option 'By appointment only' to 'Opening hours' in WME. You still need to choose the days on which an appointment can be made. It is important that the telephone number is stated correctly in the data.

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  4. Add a new UR Issue filter "Last comment by" - "Not Me"

    Please add a new UR filter in the "Last comment by" drop-down - called "Not me".

    In conjunction with the "Comment by me" filter, this will then allow me to see all URs that I have commented on in the past, but I wasn't the last person to reply. This will include the reporter and other editors.

    Currently, if I select Reporter, I cannot see URs that other editors have last commented on. If I select All, I will see them, but also all of my reports that I was the last commenter on.

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  5. Do not allow user selection on buttons

    Buttons in WME (UR, PUR, etc.) should not allow the user to select the text. There is no functional use for editors to be able to select this text and attempting to click can result in the text being selected instead of registering a click on the button

    user-select: none;

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  6. Add a keyboard shortcut to toggle the Issues Layer

    The new issues layer is not linked with a keyboard shortcut to toggle it on/off, at it is the case for other layers like roads, place, closure,....

    This would really help, especially for koifish suggestion, so we can quickly toggle on/off the suggestion and see what's under it on the image, or even if there is not a already existing segment hidden by suggestion.

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  7. Add checkboxes to flag unusable/inaccessible gas stations

    Editors occasionally find angry URs from drivers who couldn't use or reach stations listed in their gas-station finder. For example, a substantial fraction of drivers -- the majority? -- cannot use non-gasoline fuel, cardlocked stations, military-only stations, or private stations located inside secure installations. Many cannot use members-only stations, such as Costco in the US.

    One way to prevent these misroutings would be to add checkboxes for limited-audience gas stations, for example as follows. The app could then let drivers opt in as desired.

    In WME, the list might read:
    - Military only
    - Members only
    - Non-gasoline fuels only…

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  8. Automatically select road name text when editing

    In the latest version of WME, when you open up the "edit" dialog to adjust a street name, and then click on the text box for "name" or "city", it drops the cursor at the end of the box. It would be nice if the existing text in the box is highlighted so you don't have to manually select the text to clear the box when editing the name of the street or the city name

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  9. Add keyboard shortcut for issue resolution buttons

    Please add keyboard shortcuts for the Green and Grey buttons ("Not Identified" and "Solved" or their equivalents) options within URs/PURs/MPs.

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  10. Disable and restore to default of the issue tracker filters

    Please add two important features to the issue tracker:
    1. Temporarily disable all filters in the issue tracker (show all URs, PURs etc.), without changing the filters, so that the editor can later on enable the filters in order to have the defined filters without the need to redefine them.
    2. Restore the issue tracker to its default state, so that all the previously changed filters will be returned to their default state.
    These features will be very useful.

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  11. Lines on sections of roads with roundabouts!

    We urgently need to implement the ability to add lanes on sections of roads with roundabouts!
    There are many sections of roads with roundabouts that use multi-lane and different traffic lanes.
    This functionality is severely lacking.

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  12. Prompt user to save Lane changes if deselecting segment

    After editing Lanes, it's far too easy to lose the changes by accidentally deselecting the selected segment you are editing if you don't apply the changes beforehand.

    This suggestion is to recognise that changes have been made in Lanes (or road width), and prompt the user to apply or cancel the changes if they deselect the segment they are editing.

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  13. Copy and Paste Turn Instructions from one turn to another

    Please allow us to Copy into the clipboard (or similar function) all Turn Instructions from one turn, and Paste them into another turn.

    Quite often, I'm having to replicate the same instructions for different turns at the same junction for those coming from different directions, but turning into the same road. It would be a big timesaver if we could copy TIs into other turns without having to repeat the same steps.

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    Thanks for supporting this suggestion! We've added it to the WME team's backlog, and hope to get to it in the near future. We will follow up here when we have an update, or need more info from the community. 

  14. Route of Last Resort RTC

    Ability to create an RTC (or TBSR) that will permit routing on the segment as a last resort (effectively make it a PR from a penalty perspective).

    This would be very helpful for soft construction closures that are marked "local traffic only"

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  15. Improve RPP editing when it conflicts with HN layer

    When adding or editing RPP, if there is a conflict with the HN layer (i.e. too far), then the WME issues an error that prevents you from saving your edit. Thus, you cannot add or update this RPP.

    To resolve the issue you need to perform the following steps:
    1. Update/Remove the address in HN layer
    2. Wait for next (successful) map build
    3. Add the RPP

    This is an annoying procedure that should and can be avoided.

    The issue can be handled in one of the following ways:
    1. Verify the RPP against the most updated data either in…

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  16. Display international and state-level borders in WME

    A quality-of-life improvement for WME that would make cross-border editing easier.

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  17. Editing fuel types for each Gaz station in WME

    It would be nice if the types of fuel at Gas stations could be created, selected and sorted for each specific Gas station when editing directly in the WME.
    The main thing is that for each Gas station it was possible to create its own set of fuel types.
    For example:
    for one - Gas, 92, 95, Diesel
    for the other - 92, 95, 98, Diesel

    Because all Gas stations are Different!!!

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  18. Add manual lock level to Junction Boxes

    Currently, Junction Boxes do not have a controllable lock level. From the look of it, the lock level displayed is the minimum level for the country that can edit a JB. For example, in the UK only L5+ editors can edit JBs, so all JBs show auto(5) in WME.

    With various changes that HQ are making into WME and the app, it seems to me that they expect a massive increase in JBs over time. U-turn prevention, junction modification for Falcon are just some of the things for which the answer often seems to be "use a JB".

    I'm not…

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  19. Select segments included in permalink regardless of zoom level

    When handling unlock requests for larger areas, or when doing extensive highway closures, we often deal with permalinks that cover a broad area.
    To combat the problem currently, we have to break up the PLs, or use a script to select segments as we pan around.
    It would be exceptionally helpful and a great time saver if WME would load and select segments that are specified in a PL regardless of the zoom level.

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  20. Keep previous history for merged/split segments


    I think it would be very helpful if segment history included data from previous "iterations" of that segment, when a segment was created by merge or split.

    Right now, the history starts anew any time there is a new segment ID, but I would imagine it should be fairly trivial to develop a backend mechanism that, any time a segment is split or merged, merges the history of the previous segment ID into the new segment's history.

    This is useful not only diagnostically but also to catch cheaters on the map, who today can split and merge segments at…

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