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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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The Waze Communities Team.

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1203 results found

  1. [Request] Map Comments Expiration Notification

    When a Map Comment (MC) has been entered and is nearing its expiration (2 weeks in advance or 1 week in advance), notify and/or place a note in the Feed of the expiring MC.

    This would allow the editor to verify if the MC is still needed, extend it, and/or reconnect road segments where a long-term project may have warranted segment disconnects instead of long-term RTCs.

    If roads were disconnected and the project is nearing completion, this would allow the editor to reconnect the segments and then add RTCs so routing could occur immediately upon the completion of the project…

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  2. Add a new UR Issue filter "Last comment by" - "Not Me"

    Please add a new UR filter in the "Last comment by" drop-down - called "Not me".

    In conjunction with the "Comment by me" filter, this will then allow me to see all URs that I have commented on in the past, but I wasn't the last person to reply. This will include the reporter and other editors.

    Currently, if I select Reporter, I cannot see URs that other editors have last commented on. If I select All, I will see them, but also all of my reports that I was the last commenter on.

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  3. Receive reminder when closure will expire soon

    The ability when adding a closure to select a checkbox to receive a reminder notification a couple days before expiry would be really useful. Sometimes when adding closures we do not know when the road will reopen, so the closure is set for a week or a month. So it would be great to know when these closures are about to expire so we can check and extend the closure if needed.

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  4. Display router-enabled U-turns as always green

    WME displays some U-turn restrictions as red when routing will treat them as green. This is VERY confusing.

    Specifically, we are told that when a driver following a Street roadway type reaches a junction node to a Parking Lot Road, the Waze router is allowed to offer a U-turn at that junction node -- REGARDLESS of the U-turn setting displayed by WME (we are also told this is true of Street/Private Road junction nodes as well -- and perhaps others?).

    WME should not show editors red turn restrictions when in fact drivers will experience green turn restrictions. This can lead…

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  5. Partners polygon layer

    Thanks to the Waze for Cities program, we are happy to have more and more partners, either for road management (Connected Citizens) or for event management (Global Event Partners).
    For those who do not know the details, you should know that a partner benefits from one or more polygons that characterize their rights area (data flows to or from Waze, closures, MTE).
    The community being very involved, and always on the lookout for modifications to be made in WME, or closures to be programmed, it often happens that our closures or our editions conflict with their closures.
    It is…

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  6. Surfacing House Number Errors

    A nice feature would be to surface the real error message from house number additions. Sometimes when there is a conflict between segments, you get a generic "there was an error" type message, but the back end call has the full details which you can see through dev tools. For example:

    This segment:
    Conflicts with:,511847520,511847562,511847579

    When the city is listed as "none" (No City). When adding "115" to the latter, this resulted in an error (see attached)

    However, the backend error that is returned by the web request is (see attached)

    There's enough in the error message there…

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  7. Low Bridge indicator on map editor

    Problem I see there is no low bridge indicator on map editor if it could be added with height restrictions would be a big problem solver for us truck drivers. Who drive around the cities all the time. I my self have tried to navigate around cities .with low bridges.. and it's no fun truckies will know what I mean

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  8. Change the wording in the automatic email when an editor comments on a UR

    When a user reports a map problem in the app, then an editor responds to it in the Waze Map Editor, the reporter gets an automatic email that says:

    "An editor from the Waze mapping community wants to solve the problem, but needs some more information.", followed by the editor's comment.

    The problem with this wording: This is not always true. If we can identify the cause of the report without needing clarification, then often we may simply use the comment box to thank the reporter for their report. Thus, the comment box isn't always used to ask for more…

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  9. JB, RRC, Camera: Edit only when the layer is on

    For Place you have to enable the layer. This is a good feature so you can‘t create something what is still there but hidden.
    Can you expand this also to JB, RRC, Camera?

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  10. Remove unpaived attribute from Off-road / Not maintained segments

    An Off-road / Not maintained segment is unpaived by definition and should not have the unpaived attribute. We encountered navigation problems to destinations on such segments because of this attribute, so in Israel we don't allow to set this attribute. New editors are not aware of this problem, and think that they should set it to unpaived, and we have to explain it to them.
    Please remove this attribute in this type of segments in the WME, and it will save a lot of effort.

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  11. Disable segment geometry changes in House Number mode

    When in the "Edit House Numbers" mode, the Editor allows changes to segment geometry, but then generates an error when saving the changes. It is very easy to unknowingly edit segment geometry when trying to move a house number stop point. When this occurs, any HNs edited after that geometry change need reverted.

    Please disable segment geometry changes when in HN mode.

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  12. Recategorizing UR's when solving

    Add a feature to WME to recategorize the Solved UR's when closing those. This would give Waze a true insight of what reports are really needed and vice versa, what are rare and could actually just be within General Error category etc. Based on my research of all Solved UR's in Finland for last 3 months only about 50% were in right category.

    In my opinion this would help to reduce and refocus UR categories to better match with reality which in turn helps users when they are reporting meaning less UR's with wrong category -> Better data and better…

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  13. More Specific Error Messages

    Specific error messages are very useful, and we can use more of them.

    Here are some recent cases I have run across where it would be helpful to have a more-specific error message

    RPP too far from identical HN (zoom out if necessary to highlight the HN location)
    RPP too far from recently-deleted HN; try again after HN update. (zoom out to highlight the former HN location)
    Improper restricted turn in JB (show and highlight the specific turn arrow which is the problem). Allow the turn and try again (

    By: voludu2
    Link to original suggestion:

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  14. POI's moving distance

    At the moment moving a POI have a distance limitation (2km I belive?) Sometimes when a business changes phisical place to another place, like 10km away, we need to move the POI like 2km, save, move again, save again...

    It makes no sense. Please remove it or allow us to move POIs further.

    Thank you.

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  15. Disable and restore to default of the issue tracker filters

    Please add two important features to the issue tracker:
    1. Temporarily disable all filters in the issue tracker (show all URs, PURs etc.), without changing the filters, so that the editor can later on enable the filters in order to have the defined filters without the need to redefine them.
    2. Restore the issue tracker to its default state, so that all the previously changed filters will be returned to their default state.
    These features will be very useful.

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  16. Dark Mode in WME

    You know you want it.

    An example of what it could look like:

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    Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.

    We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.


  17. Automatic forum login when in WME.

    Recommend that whenever a user logs into WME Production then they automatically get their forum account opened. You use the same user name and password.

    This way editors don't have to catch a new editor's attention in WME chat or via a UR or "red roads".

    Since the feed shows that you have a new PM when in WME this would seem to be a logical next step.

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  18. Improve/change the error message

    Improve/change the error message when low level editors tries to delete the house number on streets with higher locks. Now we got "Error saving, try later" message. It gives, to editor, no idea of what the problem is, and the user may thinks that's a WME bug. By changing this message, it will give to editor and mentor/higher levels editor's more information to understand where the problem lies.

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  19. Keep me logged into the WME

    Would it be possible to keep me logged into the WME once i logged in, via cookies and cache. Currently i'm getting logged out of my session as soon as i close the tab. Even worse when i get a discord notification on my phone about a closure and i wanna close a road i need to login again there too each time and the UI and workflow is very cumbersome.

    In short would it be possible that once i'm logged into the WME on a browser to stay logged in until i log out, or do a cache clear…

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  20. Conditional lane guidance

    There are many cases in highways where there is an on-ramp shortly followed by an off-ramp. In those cases, the right lane/s serve for those who get on the HW from the on-ramp, as well as those who get off the HW on the off-ramp.
    A wazer that gets on the HW from the on-ramp and has to continue on the HW should get lane guidance to go onto the left lanes when approachng the next junction of the off-ramp, otherwise, he might continue on the right lanes and get off the HW.
    A wazer that comes on the HW…

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