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17365 results found

  1. Toll pass expiration date

    In Europe a lot of countries have passes for toll roads. These passes expire after some days, a momth or a year. There are very few applications notifying the user that the pass has expired an most of the purchases are paper/vignette based. Waze could do this, also warn the user on the main screen and ultimately do not plan routes that requires the pass to avoid fines.

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  2. Road Colouring on Average Speed Check Zone

    When driving in an average speed check zone, Waze doesn’t say when you have left it - so can be driving for miles past the end.
    Can Waze change the colour or pattern of the road to show drivers when they are in the zone and not just passing the cameras.

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  3. Añadir a la app la opción de ir a pie y ir en bicicleta.

    Al tener como opción tan solo vehículos de motor no para de recalcular rutas y girar el mapa, hasta que al final es muy difícil seguir la localización que quieres. Waze funciona excelente y esta opción sería una buena herramienta. Estube en Holanda desplazándome en bicicleta y a pie y tube que descartar su uso, ya que me mandava muy lejos debido a que calculaba para vehículos. Es una opción que daría muchos puntos a la aplicación. Muchas gracias

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  4. Suporte ao motorista

    Botão para o motorista solicitar um guincho, chaveiro e outros serviços de suporte ao motorista. O Waze deve mostrar a localização ou endereço do serviço solicitado, valor cobrado por km de deslocamento. Permitir que o cliente seja contactado pelo profissional ou faça a ligação.

    Fazer integração do Waze com os sensores do carro para prever algum problema ou indicar um posto de gasolina de confiança ou mais barato nas proximidades, indicar autonomia do carro...

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  5. Change screen layout (Directions box to bottom)

    Move the directions box to the bottom of the screen, or at least, make it optional to do so. Right now various banners from other apps appear on top of the directions, which can cause dangerous situations when I need to clear them to see the directions.
    (in my case, this is on iPhone)

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  6. Improve fuel recording process so more will input fuel prices

    When near a gas station
    1. Ask if you are refueling in a gas station, if yes ask which gas station
    2. Ask what type of fuel
    3. Ask the price of the fuel

    Reason is that we only know usual the price of the fuel we refill. And it would be tedious to ask the wazer all the fuel prices of that gas station.

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  7. Add a "Military" pass to the options

    Just like there are toll passes, CAV decals, and other options, there should be a "Military" pass and the ability to set "Military" restrictions on segments. This would reduce the amount of through routing on military installations.

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  8. Report map issues on CarPlay screen

    When hitting report on the CarPlay screen, Map Issue isn't one of the options. If there is a map issue you cannot even do it from the phone since the display is different. You have to quickly unplug the phone from the car so Waze goes into normal phone mode, and do it from there. That is too much of a dangerous distraction messing around whit phone cables and the phone. Everything in the app should be easily accessible on the car play screen. For transcribing the map issue you can use voice to text, exactly how the iPhone works…

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  9. Stop users reporting heavy traffic when at traffic lights

    In major cities there is always going to be to be a few cars stacked up at traffic lights. Stop dumb Waze users reporting heavy traffic when they are stopped at traffic lights. It affects the routing of other Waze users. Almost every day I see reports of heavy traffic where there is none just because some moron is reporting heavy traffic when they are sitting behind 2 others cars at traffic lights.

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  10. Trip price calculation

    The route calculator gives you quite an accurate prediction of the trip price based on a few factors.

    • Vehicle average consumption data (by vehicle type, mpg or l/100km).
    • Distance.
    • Average fuel price.
    • Tolls (data publicly available, should be added to Waze).

    I believe it would be very useful.

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  11. Replace General (overused) Rain hazard report with “Torrential Rain” or “Weather Impairing Visibility” hazard option

    Replace the General (overused) Rain hazard report with “Torrential Rain” or “Weather Impairing Visibility” hazard option.

    This compromise may deter overuse (for normal/light rain/snowfall) while still alerting drivers to potentially hazardous road conditions due to torrential rainfall or blizzard conditions that result in reduced/poor visibility and/or/resulting in unexpectedly slowing traffic ahead.

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  12. Let Waze warn me also against Hazards created by me

    Currently, if you leave a Hazard on a map, you are not being warned against, if you approach to it after you report it. We are able to remember places where there are short term Hazards, but in case of long term hazards (like Potholes) it can be different.

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  13. כהנים

    מכיון ויש כמה כבישים שלכהנים אסורה הנסיעה בהם, לסמן אותם ולאפשר ניווט לא כולל אותם כבישים

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  14. Left shoulder hazard warning on interstates

    Hazards on the LEFT shoulder of most interstates are especially dangerous. I'd like an option to specify left/right shoulder when reporting hazards.

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  15. Alerte spéciale pour un véhicule qui circule en sens inverse


    Je voudrai proposer un bouton d'alerte pour prévenir que l'on vient de croiser un véhicule roulant dans le sens inverse.

    C'est ce qui m'est arrivé sur une utouroute française, et j'aurai vraiment aimé avoir plus de solution pour prévenir les autres wazers de ce véhicule au comportement dangereux.


    Jules brosset

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  16. Icône radar fixe

    Trop d'utilisateurs indiquent les radars fixes avec l'icône "police"et c'est chiant ! Cet icône est normalement réservé aux patrouilles mobiles... Alors pourquoi ne pas créer un icône " radar fixe "que l'on nommerait "appareil photo"ou"souriez, vous êtes filmé" ,lol...., et qui permettrait de localiser précisément dans la zone de contrôle l'emplacement du radar...

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  17. Historical Speed Trap Zones

    Gather police present reports from drivers and develop a warning for areas on roads where police usually set up speed traps. Create a speed trap button for user input.

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  18. Funny voice interpretation

    Please adopt some Philippines funny voice version, voices like Babalu, Dolphy or Fernando Poe Jr. As you all know that traffic here is terrible hearing those voices will have some smile on a commuters/passengers. Its a nice form of entertainment to ease the heavy traffic.

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  19. Colocar o a voz do Faustão no aplicativo. Com a palavra "Errou" toda vez que o usuário errar o caminho.

    Colocar a voz do Faustão no aplicativo. Exemplo: toda vez que o usuário errar um caminho, a voz do Faustão aparece "Erroooou"

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  20. Fuel Card station selection

    In the U.K. There are a number of different fuel cards that work at select stations, and sometimes they're not easy to find. Would it be possible to add to the preferred stations selection to include 'stations accepting Keyfuels cards' for example?

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