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227 results found

  1. Lane Guidance

    While using Waze on highways lately, I have begun to think that having the ability to see what lane becomes the off ramp would be great, especially in complex city interchanges.

    Portuguese: Estava usando o Waze em rodovias e comecei a pensar que seria ótimo ter a capacidade de ver qual pista pegar, especialmente em trevos complexos dentro das cidades.

    Spanish: Últimamente me he dado cuenta que al utilizar waze en capitales se hace muy necesario que waze indique cual carril de una calle, avenida o autopista, llega a ser una rampa, especialmente en complejos intercambios.

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  2. Mute navigation during phone call.

    When making or taking phone calls using bluetooth, waze navigation prompts often interrupt me. The person on the other end of the line can't hear the prompt, but it means either I miss what they're saying, or my train of thought is interrupted mid-sentence.

    It would be useful for the client to auto-mute during a phone call.

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    Thank you for this suggestion. As you may already know, Waze supports the option to mute during calls. To set that, go to Settings > Voice & sound and toggle Mute during calls.

  3. 2,365 votes

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  4. re-route based on upcoming traffic conditions / congestions

    While waze does show upcoming traffic condition on one's route it does not provide facility to automatically re-route the traveler around traffic congestion using surface streets or alternate highway/freeway.

    This is essential to optimizing waypoint ordering/priority:

    This ought be available in other-than a binary toggle (yes or no). While yes and no are suitable broad options, waze ought provider finer grained control of re-routing as it does now (faster or shorter). These should include

    (1) time windows

    (2) zones / areas

    (3) specific roads / highways / freeways

    (4) density of other Wazers

    (5) using either / both wazer…

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  5. Allow declaring Toll Roads and the option to not navigate through them

    Waze wants to route me through a toll road every day and can't seem to find an alternate route until I actually drive it. I want to be able to avoid Toll roads, which means tolls roads need to be able to be declared in the editor.

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  6. adding "I'm a motorcyclist" mode

    adding "I'm a motorcyclist" mode in the settings for motorcyclist to choose and it will let us choose roads even if they have traffic jams and alart from roads that are dangerous

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  7. Add a traffic bar to map

    Have a "Traffic Bar" that appear in the routes screen overlayed on the main map.
    add a car to the bar that moves along with your journeys completion.
    So when you are 85 percent home, the car has moved 85 percent up the bar.

    Also when the Bar-Car (Maybe we should think of a better name) gets near an event an audible alert gets triggered, like when you near a Cop it could say “Oh cock, its the Rozzers!” Or just “Police reported ahead”) Or when you are near a obstacle on road you could be warned – e.g. “Johnny…

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  8. Speed Limit Change Alert

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add a voice alert of speed limit changes. I am on the highway all the time and the speed limit constantly changes. It would be helpful if the voice would say “Speed limit has increased” or “Speed limit has decreased”. I got a ticket because I thought I was still in a 75mph speed zone and I didn’t realize it changed to 55mph. Yes the image of speed limit changes accordingly but a nice voice alert would be extremely BENEFICIAL!! Thank you!!!

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  9. Implement U-turn navigation instruction and ability to allow u-turns at intersection.

    In exUSSR countries it is a common practice to use u-turn. Traffic lights at major intersections may have special arrow to allow only left turns and u-turns. But currently Waze cannot use this feature to build optimal route.

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  10. Rail Road Crossing Ahead Notification

    Give notification when approaching Rail Roads Crossings. This notification could be turned on or off by the user if needed.

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  11. Conditional use of toll roads if saves more than set percentage of time

    I live in Northern Virginia (US) where we have a growing network of high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes paralleling existing roads. These come up as separate roads in Waze as they have their own on ramps and off ramps. Just to make them more fun, they have variable tolling so when traffic is more congested on the "free" lanes the toll lanes cost goes higher. The speed limit is also higher on the toll lanes so they always come out as preferred over the regular lanes for navigation.

    The current Waze app allows selection to avoid or not avoid toll…

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  12. - Include “Avoid hazardous area” as route options.

    We have seen many drivers get into slum areas that are really dangerous, with many episodes of people getting killed when entering on those areas in Rio de Janeiro, for example. I experienced this on other cities in Brazil and, sometimes, I really avoid using Waze because of this.

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  13. 151 votes

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  14. Avoid express lanes

    It would be nice to be able to turn off Express Lanes, with the same toggle switch as the "Avoid Toll Roads" option. I almost never have passengers in my car, and therefore cannot ever take the Express Lanes, but the app keeps directing me to them. Express Lanes also occasionally have different exiting options, so it can sometimes change your entire route and make you miss exits you needed to take.

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  15. Time Based Restrictions, can we make this happen guys?

    "No left turn between 7am and 10 am."
    "Do not enter between 3pm and 6pm."

    There are thousands of these signs in hundreds of cities all over the US. Can't we allow for local map editors to save time based restrictions into the map?

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  16. Calculate total tolls for each route option

    Some tolls are very high, others reasonable. Now I can only see if there are tolls or not, but not to decide on a reasonable toll road.

    In NY, this can be as much as $13 (George Washington Bridge) and $1.50 (Henry Hudson), for example.

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may know, Waze calculates and displays toll prices in many parts of the world. To know when this becomes available in your country, stay tuned on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram

  17. Ukrainian

    Hello Waze,

    First off, you guys do a wonderful job. I know that in my community of Ukrianians, there is a need for Ukrainian spoken directions.

    If there is potential for it to happen, it'd be absolutely fantastic!

    Appreciate your work.

    Best regards,


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    Great news! You’re able to choose Марічка (including street names) or Дмитро voices for voice directions. What’s more, you can record your own voice via the Voice recorder functionality – can be accessed in Settings – Voice&Sound – Waze voice – Voice recorder.

  18. Turn on the headlights - Ligue os Faróis

    In Brazil, new law require turn on the headlights when transit on the roads. Waze could send an alert when a road is accessed.
    No Brasil, nova lei requer faróis acesos quando transitar em rodovias. Waze poderia enviar um alerta quando uma rodovia for acessada.

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  19. Alerta de farois ligados em rodovias

    Com a nova lei no Brasil que obriga o farol baixo nas estradas ainda que de dia, o waze poderia emitir um alerta para confirmar que os faróis estão acesos sempre que acessar uma rodovia.
    Noticia da lei:

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  20. Turn on the lights alert.

    In Brazil, even during the day it's mandatory to turn on the car lights when we drive in a route (highway).

    It would be very helpful there was an alert reminding us to do it each time we start driving on a highway.

    (No Brasil, mesmo durante o dia é obrigatório ligar os faróis ao dirigir numa estrada.
    Seria muito útil se houvesse um aviso lembrando de fazer isso cada vez em que começamos a dirigir numa rodovia.

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