Waze Suggestion Box
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17343 results found
Rerouting dialog is obtrusive
When waze reroutes or changes ETA it pops up a dialog "Rerouting" or "Your ETA has changed due to ...". Especially the rerouting dialog is annoying as it obstructs a clear view of the map which you most likely need at that moment. A small spinner in the corner of your screen (maybe in the green nav-bar?) and the audible warning should be enough. Maybe a "Don't show again" button on those dialogs?
22 votes -
Feature Request "Adding Favorites via My Dashboard"
I think it would be great if we could add/edit/delete our Favourites via the "My Dashboard" instead of just on the phone. The commercial Product I have on my phone lets me manage all this via their Website.
24 votes -
Option to delete route
Please add an option to delete your route while keeping Waze running. Currently the only way to do this (Windows Mobile 2.0 version) is exit to Waze, restart it and quickly reply No to the resume question.
17 votes -
Distance to drive after a turn
After a turn, it'd be nice if the distance before the next turn is said. something like "turn right and go straight for 5 miles"
26 votes -
Voice Instructions: Bear Right, Keep Right
Voice navigation instructions use "Keep Right (Left) in 2 conditions making it a bit confusing: When on an undivided road approaching a divided section of the same road, and when approaching an intersection with a gradual right (left) turn. "Bear Right (Left)" would be a more appropriate instruction for the 2d situation.
6 votes -
ROADWORK: leverage roadwork feed from Swedish transport administration
In Sweden, public feeds of roadwork and traffic events (accidents) are available at no charge on the internet.
Please enable the display of these in the waze client. They could also be used for improved routing.
Information about this web site in English:
6 votes -
Ford Sync integration
Later this year, Ford will release the APIs for integrating apps with vehicles that have Sync. Waze could use the vehicle's on-board GPS, speedometer, and other data instead of running the phone's GPS.
71 votes -
Plot recently driven roads
It would be great to have an option to mark roads recently driven by other wazers. This would increase the confidence that it's clear from traps, traffic jams etc.
20 votes -
Calculate fuel consumption and show cost of the route
It would be great to be able to enter the average fuel consumption for certain speeds for your vehicle and then while calculating show also the cost of the route. It can be calculated by known speeds on the road, the need to stop and go on traffic lights, the overall profile of the route. There is an iPhone app that can serve as an inspiration - http://drivegain.com
507 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
an option to allow to hide definitely a message when you have read it
an option to allow to hide definitely an alert, pop-up, message (chit chat) when you have read it, instead of showing it every few minutes
1 vote -
Alarm notification on new version available, OTA download on BB (optional)
It would be interesting to check when you start the application, if a new version. On Blackberry devices, could have a link to download OTA or AppWorld
3 votes -
Reportar vialidades libres de tráfico (o fluidas)
Con esto se abren alternativas para el trayecto
2 votes -
Road trip mode: track progress since activation, share milestones
For longer, multi-stage trips, a more robust kind of logging might be useful. This "road trip" mode would keep track of the distance traveled since activation, and post a message on Twitter, Facebook, etc. when a milestone has been passed (e.g., passing a predetermined amount of miles or crossing a state/provincial/national boundary).
4 votes -
geotagged photo's
Add a function to take geotagged photo's and show them on the map. This way you can take a picture of a street sign, and later enter the street name in cartouche without having to look it up on another map
2 votes -
Let users customize auto tweets such as "Acabo de reportar una redada policial, ..."
Traffic enforcement corps are different from country to country so it might be a good idea to let users tweak their auto tweets a little. They might have the application configured in a language but tweet in another, etc.
6 votes -
Loading Status
I find that usually waze appears to load quite quickly, but will then freeze intermittently and loosing GPS lock whilst actually finishing 'loading' (Contacting server etc). It would be good it some form of message or progress bar could be shown so that it is obvious that it is still loading and not actually frozen
2 votes -
App2sd support for waze android-version
Android-based mobile phones have started to get 2.2 (FroYo), which brought support for moving applications to SD card. Since Waze is quite a big application (~6 mb for me), it would be really good to be able to move it to the memory card.
24 votes -
7 votes
Have client present auto-off if removed from charging
I sometimes make frequent stops during a trip, and it is an annoyance to have to start and stop the client so that it doesn't give false heavy traffic reports. If I am in the car, I always have the phone on a charger. if the client senses that the phone is no longer charging, have a pop-up box ask if the application should be turned off.
5 votes -
2-way road option when munching & mapping new roads
Most roads that I've ever driven on are 2-way roads, yet waze assumes that any new road recorded or cookie munched is on a 1-way road. I'd like a client option to default them to 2-way, since I know that there are areas where 1-way roads prevail. If I happen to munch a 1-way road while in 2-way mode, I can easily correct it in cartouche later, but I'd much rather correct 3-5% of the roads (or less) than 95-97%.
19 votesAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
- Don't see your idea?