Mirror link support!
Most newer vehicles are coming from the factory with mirrorlink, support for mirrorlink would alow me to use waze with my factory touch screen. Much like the pioneer support. Having this as I'm sure for others would allow us to use waze all the time!

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
MartGee commented
Add suggestions here all you like - they have their own plans and never take users ideas seriously.
Like they said "this doesn't fit OUR roadmap"!
This is just a box ticking exercise! -
Dirk Demand commented
I requested this feature, because my 2019 Toyota supports Android car but not for sharing the onboard display. This can only be done with mirrorlink. So navigation only on the mobiles display. Useless
Dirk Demand commented
LOL the told me, they had infos about my suggestion.
The info was, they wont implement it. -
bolarinwa mutiu commented
Hi, I will like to request for waze app update on : An automatic map zoom when the car has reached the roundabout; faster map synchronizing when turning; lane guidance for multiple lanes roundabouts; lane guidance for difficult junctions that pops up as a real image, when approaching difficult junctions.
Thanks. -
Dobiesław Wróblewski commented
Dear Sirs,
I understand that your application supports Apple Car Play and Android Auto. However, there is still a large number of cars (take Toyota Camry EU 2018-2020) that have no official service option to be upgraded to one of the new standards. The owners of such cars are left with MirrorLink connectivity which is getting more and more obsolete.
The MirrorLink support in your application would really make a difference for many car owners.
Hunk commented
Old version can mirror.
But newest version can't.
Can you open mirror when use airplay?
Help please
Many many thanks -
Hunk commented
Mirror feature is very important for us.
We want share map info on tv in office.and also want to input destination place when waze mirror status. -
Hunk commented
When mirror wave to tv by apple TV or lightning digital av adapter.but wave on iPhone is black.
I want mirror iPhone and TV when use wave -
Franco commented
There are a lot of request and a lot of votes for the support of MirrorLink, of course Android Auto and Apple Car Play gives support for a lot a mobiles, but the limitations for MirrorLink is on a lot of cars. Thanks
Roberto Antonio Domingues commented
Please add Waze on mirrorlink
Cleiton Garcia commented
Please add Waze to mirrorlink
Toomas Aas commented
While my VW Passat has support for Android Auto, it works so unreliably that it is practically unusable. The phone constantly disconnects from the car, and no amount of trying different USB cables, different versions of Android Auto app or fiddling with various settings on the phone and car has helped. Maybe MirrorLink would work better.
Henk commented
Please add Waze to mirrorlink!
Anonymous commented
Please add Waze to mirrorlink!
szuhigyuri commented
Please add Waze to mirrorlink!
marian commented
Please add Waze to mirrorlink
Anonymous commented
Please add Waze to mirrorlink
bwi bwi commented
Mirrorlink needs a good Navigator!
Dr. Czett András commented
Dear developers!
Could you please make waze compatible with MirrorLink? It would make the life of thousands of car owners much easier.
Yours faithfully
András Czett
Roberto Gianoglio commented
Well, I know that Waze works great with Android Auto or Apple Car Play, but still now, too many car audio systems and too many car producer, still use Mirrorlink, due to a simple thing: If i gave you Android or IOS support, i can't sell you built in slow and ugly navigation system at 1000$ as optional in your car.
I'm not a programmer and i don't know how exactly do it.. But Mirrorlink certifications and Api's are totally FREE like CCC certification, i've readed guides about it, and i don't think il could be so complicated for you to add mirrorlink support in your product!