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Map Editor Suggestions

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This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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1195 results found

  1. Livemap uses old Lat/Lon order

    When entering a lat/lon pair as starting point or destination in Livemap, it must be entered as Lon,Lat. WME was updated to copy as Lat,Lon. Livemap should be updated to match.

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  2. Gladstone Road claos by. Google maps direct to our door. Are you able to adjust or correct this diference please. Tony Price 4 Gladstone Pl

    Gladstone Road claos by.
    Google maps direct to our door.
    Are you able to adjust or correct thios diference please.
    Tony Price 4 Gladstone Place Tyning Road Bath.

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  3. Improve editor and driver effectiveness by reconfiguring "Map issue" and "closure" app buttons

    Many drivers report temporary closures as map issues instead. This is very frustrating for us map editors! Temporary closures are extremely hard to diagnose, and often a waste of time to try, because many closures are already over by the time we see the reports. The fact that Waze under Apple CarPlay does not even provide access to the “Closure” feature has made the situation worse.

    Please reconfigure the app's reporting tree to make closures more intuitive. I suggest renaming "Map issue" to "Route issue" (in English, something similar in other languages). This is how drivers already seem to perceive…

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  4. Only allow editing of road shield if you can edit the segment

    I know, and have no issues with, that if you add/change a road shield on a segment it will add/change the road shield to every segment with the same streetID (same street name, city, state, country combination) no matter where it is (even if you you don't have edit rights in the area)

    My issue is that I should not be able to go to an area, state, country that I have ZERO edit rights in and add/change their road shields.

    My suggestion is that when you select a segment, if you can't make a normal edit to that segment,…

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    Thank you for this suggestion.

    Currently we won’t move forward with this suggestions as road-shields are assigned to streets and not to segments, which has higher benefit in the mapping process.

    If a user have editing rights to one of the segments on a street he/ she will be able to assign the road shield .



    At this point in your directions, Johnson Ferry road turns right, and Abernathy Road is straight. but your directions should say to stay straight to Abernathy get to GA 400. If you stay on Johnson Ferry, you would not get to GA 400.

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  6. Allow un-checking Segments layer to be persistent

    When using Street Vector Layer I turn off the Segments layer but each time a hard refresh is required (which is far too often) the Segments layer is re-activated by default. Please allow the setting for the Segments layer to be persistent.

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  7. Allow hyphenated house numbers in RPPs

    In my AM in Iowa there are several neighborhoods that have hyphenated house numbers. Here's an example: Since they are on a private road RPPs should be used but can't be because hyphens are not permitted.

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  8. Add dashcam video

    It would be useful for Machine Learning training data if we could upload the dashcam video with a time synchronized with waze trips

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  9. Update UR Categories the same as the App

    Would like to match app problem descriptions with those presented in WME URs.

    For example: UR's that come in for 'Wrong Driving Directions' (what the App says)
    Show in WME as 'Improper / Poor navigation instruction'

    Having that changed to 'Wrong Driving Directions' will help with editors looking at responses and what to select for a default/1st response to a user.

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  10. Different closure types for emergency vehicles

    There can be roughly two types of closures on roads. One is that the road is completely closed and driving is absolutely not possible. That's what we have now. Second possible situation is "soft closure", where although the road is publicly closed, some vehicles could still pass because the road itself is drivable.

    "Soft closure" can be an event closure like a festival or VIP visit or something else similar, where an emergency vehicle could drive through in case of an emergency. Such soft closures should not close the road completely, but add a small penalty instead, because you can't…

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  11. Parking Lot Roads - Differentiate Aisles & Roads

    It would be nice to have a way of setting PLRs to be able to use speed data (versus a set speed) while having the same penalty settings (i.e., the road has no penalty between the two PLR settings). This would be useful in large parking lots area such as sporting venues and malls, where set speed is fine for aisles and minor roads but speed data would be useful for finding the fastest entrance/exit on it's higher volume roads. With the set PLR speed, you are almost always getting the shortest route of PLRs, even if that lot exit…

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    Hey !

    Can you please share some more details and examples for this issue which you would like to address in this suggestion?
    This will help us to better understand what will be the best solution.

    Thank you

  12. Display state instead of country when zoomed out

    If a country uses states then when between zoom levels 5/6 to 10 it should say the state name rather than country name. Once you are zoomed out past level 5 or 6 then it should start saying the country name.

    E.g. More useful to know I am looking at Queensland instead of Australia at this zoom level

    But more useful to know I'm looking at Australia at this zoom level

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  13. Comment Images

    Ability to add images to a Map Comment. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

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  14. Conditional lane guidance

    There are many cases in highways where there is an on-ramp shortly followed by an off-ramp. In those cases, the right lane/s serve for those who get on the HW from the on-ramp, as well as those who get off the HW on the off-ramp.
    A wazer that gets on the HW from the on-ramp and has to continue on the HW should get lane guidance to go onto the left lanes when approachng the next junction of the off-ramp, otherwise, he might continue on the right lanes and get off the HW.
    A wazer that comes on the HW…

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  15. Add a button to refresh page where you are


    With latest Beta, we're missing the old permalink button (on button right) that allowed us to refresh the entire page staying at our location.

    If you F5 you refresh the page but move to the url location.

    Only actual possiblity is to copy paste the actual permalink.


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  16. Distance to overtaking section (Dual lane) on "A" Roads

    Marked on Maps and audio description saying Distance to Overtaking Zone. This would avoid numerous accidents knowing that if you wait a short period of time you can overtake safely rather than risking overtaking in the face of oncoming traffic.

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  17. Allow for the addition of signage symbols for turn instructions.

    I'm not asking for the ability to add all road signage (e.g. regulatory signage) as this would be overkill, but many countries include symbolism on big green signs to display additional services on a turn instruction without having to use lengthy text to do so.

    While some symbolism exists in unicode/emoji form, these are not uniform across platforms and having country specific visual aids to add to signs would be a valuable way of informing drivers of additional services on their turn instructions.

    The types of signs I would like to see added include:
    * Accomodation
    * Camping
    * Caravan…

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  18. Maps

    Map’s editor

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  19. Add Stop Signs in WME for routing

    I would love if you could make it where we can add stop signs to the WME to be apart of routing. Just like what you guys did with the lanes feature. I saw Apple Maps already has this and would be cool to be added to Waze also.

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  20. P”ease correct address for Casa Benedetto’s in St Augustine FLOrIda. 197 BLACKFORD Way F ST AUGUSTINE FL 32086. We moved two years ago and

    Please correct address for Casa Benedetto’s in St AAugustine. Fl. 197 Blackford Way F St AUG FL 32086. WE moved two years ago and your site is taking guests to the old Vilano Beach location which is closed.

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