Waze Suggestion Box
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17365 results found
Yellow Box Junction Cameras
TLDR Version: At the moment on Waze you can only report either speed cameras, red light cameras or fake cameras, having a 'yellow box junction' camera would be a logical and great addition imho.
Non TLDR Version: Yellow box junction cameras drive me nuts (for those not UK based these are cameras that make sure yellow box junctions - ie boxes marked on the road to stop drivers stopping at the entrance to a side junction and blocking it), mainly because not all yellow boxes are enforced with cameras (so drivers from all angles enter it and the only way…
8 votes -
Add "Top Tier" as a preferred station choice
"Top Tier" gasoline (Shell, BP, Mobil, etc.) is recommended by both AAA and Consumer Reports as improving the cleanliness of a car's engine and is better for the environment.
Please make a preferred gas station option that shows all nearby Top Tier-certified fuel stations for those of us that want to take the best care of our engines (and the environment)!
8 votes -
safe routes
I write them because I love the app, however when I use the app at night, I would like it to include safe routes, I know that for you may sound strange, but in my country there are routes that during the night in certain points of the city is Extremely dangerous to go through assaults, robberies or kidnappings. It would be interesting to be able to work on creating safer but less efficient routes alternatives when you deem it convenient.I hope you like my idea and I love working on it.
Best regards.
Jorge Sánchez
Metallurgical engineer.…
8 votes -
Differentiate between toll roads and toll bridges
I drive solo in Seattle. I have three options into Seattle from the North: - I -405 (with a toll bridge - 525- across the lake) or 1-405 (with a non toll bridge - via 1-90) and then I-5 with no tolls at all.
Can we have an option for WAZ to differentiate between toll roads and toll bridges - this is because I can still drive the "regular" road on the 1-405 and then take the toll bridge (525) into Seattle, but I don't want WAZ to figure the time for the HOV/T lane...aaaaagh, does that make any sense?…
8 votes -
Hydroplane hazard
You could use a new hazard tab for high water for like at the bottom of an Overpass where water collects and presents a hydroplane or lose control hazard...thx.
8 votes -
Control real de FAVORITOS
Si bien hay ideas similares en el foro, planteo lo siguiente:
Los favoritos deberían ser administrados, ordenados en un menú Favoritos de las siguientes formas:
- Personalizado (Primero los que el wazers prefiera, uno ordena sus favoritos de la forma que necesite (existente))
- Alfabético (primero los favoritos con número o letra A)
- Orden de ingreso (Primero los ingresados recientemente, considerar la fecha de ingreso al listado del más nuevo al más antiguo)
- Orden más frecuente (primero en la lista el destino más frecuente)
- Orden más reciente (primero en la lista los destinos más recientes)
Esto que se vea en pestañas dentro…
8 votes -
Share to Waze from other programs
Allow sharing from other programs to Waze search and navigate to.
I would like to share location from other navigation programs or text to Waze
8 votes -
highway wrong direction car alert
it could be useful to add an alert to inform other wazers that a car is driving in wrong direction (very useful for the Highways). The alert will blink to any wazer smartphone display that is driving that way before the alert point.
This feature could permit alerted drivers to mantain the right lane till the end of the emergency.8 votes -
Speed limit/autovelox notification when screen off
It would be great to have a speed limit notification and autovelox with a big pop up (like the speed limit signal 50 km/h) even when the screen is off. Often when the smartphone is connected with bluetooth I cannot hear the speed limit alarm. I'll be always aware of the speed limit and autovelox on my route saving battery!
8 votes -
Offer way for users to edit/correct/identify false reports OR...
Have a way for users to contest a traffic notice entered by other users. Here in Los Angeles we use a lot of residential streets, especially to get through the canyons. Lately, residents on smaller streets have been adding fake/erroneous notices such as hazards (e.g., construction) or road closures to try to get drivers to take other routes. It would be great if Waze had one of three options: users can delete false reports, users can comment on reports for all users to see (not just the person who reported the issue), or a thumbs down feature so that other…
8 votes -
Time Elapsed
hope a new version will add "time elapsed" because that's important for us to know how much time we traveled or stuck on bad traffic
8 votes -
Have floating customized icons.
Have floating customized icons. For example, accident icon, hazard, etc. The most used icons.
8 votes -
Hurricane Evacuation Routes
Example: I-95N slow moving parking lot (meaning stop and go bumper to bumper traffic) so show less congested routes north or state 20mph parking lot. Travel north or inland would be faster by staying off freeways.
8 votes -
טרוד בעבודה ויצאתי מבלי לבדוק . נהייתה לי טראומה קטנה וייסורי מצפון על הטמטום שלי . הוספתם feature שהוויז יעדכן אם זכרנו להוציא את התינוק מ
טרוד בעבודה ויצאתי מבלי לבדוק . נהייתה לי טראומה קטנה וייסורי מצפון על הטמטום שלי .
הוספתם feature שהוויז יעדכן אם זכרנו להוציא את התינוק מהאוטו אבל זה עובד רק במידה שביקשתי מוויז התחלת נסיעה וזה משהו שאני עושה פעם בשבועיים רק לנסיעות ארוכות יותר (רוב האנשים לא משתמשים בוויז לנסיעות קצרות ליד הבית) , הייתי ממליץ לטובת כל ילדי ישראל והעולם שבכל פעם שהוויז פתוח הוא יזהה נסיעה ועצירה ויתריע על תינוק באוטו בכל עצירה גם אם לא ביקשו ממנו כיוון . זאת אומרת שעל ההורה פשוט להשאיר את וויז מופעל כל הזמן ואתם תזהו לבד שהוא מתחיל נסיעה…8 votes -
Que o Waze alerte sempre com voz os radares com o carro a qualquer velocidade
Sempre que for detectado um radar o Waze avise, independente da velocidade que o veículo esteja.
8 votes -
Meet another wazer
Add a feature to allow two wazers to request and approve to meet each other, which would show "distance apart" and possibly route to a central location, possibly a parking lot. It would most likely initiate from a friends list, or be able to recognize names on the seach location screen, which would send a meeting request to the friend wazer, allowing them to accept the request and initiate the routing.
8 votes -
Select place on map
I would like to be able to navigate to a certain point by selecting location on the map
8 votes -
You should add a flash screen alert. It will be more easier to see it. And the sound is not enaugh loud.
8 votes -
Show current direction and the next direction similar to google maps
I love using waze but one thing that always annoys me, especially when in areas I am not familiar with, is not knowing what the next direction is until I've completed the first.
For example, when exiting a highway there is no indication of if you should be turning left or right at the on-ramp until you have gotten close to the end of the ramp. I would find it really helpful if in scenarios like this the directions read "take exit ramp on right and then get in far left lane to take a left" or something similar to…8 votes -
conditions d'utilisation et confidentialité devrait être aussi en français
Il s'agît pour les utilisateurs de langue française de pouvoir comprendre précisément ces éléments
8 votes
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