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17364 results found

  1. Toggle navigation options in route

    When already in navigation, and pulling up to see the route options... You should be able to toggle the navigation options, say, in a secondary section below the different routes available.

    - avoid freeways
    - avoid ferries
    - avoid toll roads
    - etc

    That way, you don’t have to go into Th e overall settings of the entire app. The setting stay as default, but the options you toggle are for that specific navigation in progress.

    I sometimes want backroads, or whatever. And I don’t want to change the “entire app“ setting. Just that one time. Flexible. I can…

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  2. Feature to avoid protest areas

    Feature to avoid protest and autonomous areas.

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  3. Voice search button for destinations using apple carplay.

    Carplay voice input was taken away (microphone icon). I can no longer search via voice for directions to any place. Now I can only use iphone maps or google maps. Seems strange to remove a vital feature as now I cannot get directions to places with my voice.

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  4. Disponibilizar icone para informarmos novos radares

    Disponibilizar novamente icone para condutores informarem radares existentes ou novos.

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  5. when phone in horizontal mode, better show routes

    when phone is horizontal, once can only see the first route option - and not the rest.
    please alter how the screen looks like when horizontal and doing routes

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  6. The reporting interface is dangerous while driving and needs improvement

    I think that there are quite a few suggestions indicating that the report interface is dangerous while driving and therefore needs improvement. It is not acceptable to go through several levels of clicks to make a report as one drives. It might be useful to allow one to rearrange or perhaps prioritize the report icons so that common reports are 'one click'. Linking the icons with a voice activation phrase is also a good idea that appears to have quite a few votes spread through several suggestion postings.

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  7. PLEASE, PLEASE, create an option to avoid parkways. I drive a bus w/ 13ft clearance in the NY Metro & Tri State area (NY,NJ, and CT)

    PLEASE, PLEASE, create an option to avoid parkways. I drive a bus w/ 13ft clearance in the NY Metro & Tri State area (NY,NJ, and CT)

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  8. Reduce taps required from search to navigation

    Currently from the time I see an address for which I've searched to when I'm able to just drive and see the map and directions, there are FOUR TAPS in between those two things happening.

    Tap 1 — Seeing the address as text in search results.
    Tap 2 — Seeing the address as an official box in results.
    Tap 3 — Seeing the address on a map with parking options
    Tap 4 — Directions calculated, and clearing option to choose routes.

    When a person is starting to drive, that's quite frustrating.

    I just want to GO. Please reduce this to…

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  9. One click navigation to Saved places after starting waze

    You start waze everyday and you everyday pick one of 5 routes.
    But you need 3-4 clicks to do so and after every step, you have to do 3-4 quick decision and reading. It takes you attention to waaay too long.

    Imagine new optional One click home screen:

    • no map on home page (but yes, there are button to show map)
    • precalculated routes to all of your saved places IS there
    • all routes with 3 best variants, your preffered way is highlighted and Allways Shown, major issues highlighted

    How it should be - sorry for not uploading picture:

    1) WORK…

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  10. Waze baby merch

    Waze baby merch!!!!

    I want that little thang on a shirt!!!!

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  11. police comments

    Why has commenting on the police icon been disabled?

    I've actually found this commentary to be very useful for telling people which side of the road an officer may have made a stop, in the case of move-over and slow-down laws, etc.

    Very disappointing and uninformative.

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  12. Select Alerts

    Please make it so you can elect which alerts you want to receive during navigation. On long drives, there are multiple alerts that aren't necessarily relevant. Selecting only police, traffic, and hazards IN the road would eliminate a lot of alerts.

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  13. use Iphone screen to display speedometer/speed limit when in carpay mode

    When in apple carplay mode, use the iphone screen to display the speedometer/speedlimit in full screen. Pehaps as a third tab next to the directions, notifications tab. With the phone in a cradle close to the steering wheel this avoids having to glance to the far right of the main car screen to see the actual speed limit.

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  14. Rettungssgassen-Erinnerung

    Es wäre toll wenn Waze in Staus auf Autobahnen den Fahrer optisch oder akkustisch an das Bilden der Rettungsgasse erinnert. Viele Fahrer vergessen das häufig, ich auch manchmal.

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    Apesar de outra pessoa já ter dado esta opinião eu gostaria de reforçar a importância de manter bloqueado o celular durante o uso do aplicativo. No Brasil o roubo de celulares durante deslocamento no transito é comum. Os assaltantes vendo que o celular está no waze sabem que o mesmo se encontra desbloqueado e fazem o que querem. Acessam nossa agenda, nossas redes sociais, nossas configurações, nossas fotos, nos deixando muito vulneráveis. Por favor considerem a ideia de existir a opção de bloqueio do celular durante o uso do aplicativo para segurança do motorista.

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  16. Use Scarlet Johansson voice for voice directions

    Can we have the voice of Scarlet Johansson guiding us while we drive?

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  17. Why are traffic jams on highway not announced? This seems like a major need going from 65mph to 0?!

    Everything else is an audible, verbalized announcement. Why are traffic jams on the highway not an audible alert to the driver? I find this to be a major miss currrntly.

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  18. Keep the police reporting feature. That is your main strength. Fight the effort to eliminate it by police. It's free speech.

    Keep the police reporting feature. We really have no use for Waze without it. It is free speech. You have the right to offer it. Stand up to police efforts to eliminate it.

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  19. Create user profiles

    I wish Waze, like Netflix and so many other must-have apps, let you create user profiles.

    That way, to give just one example, you wouldn’t have to change the HOV setting each time you use a Tesla to “electric” (which allows you to use certain HOV lanes).

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  20. Météo

    Serait il possible intégrer les prévisions météo pour les trajets sur les longs trajets et ceux que l'on veux programmer à l'avance.. Cela serait un facteur déterminant pour le temps mais surtout pour la sécurité


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