Follow friend.
Sometimes share one trip more cars (users). For example Business trip or holiday etc. it means two or more cars with the same destination. One of them knows WHERE to go (where is destination) and the others follow him. One car is the leader. In this case could be very useful to add feature called "Follow friend". In MENU where are Friends, add this feature (click on name of leading user and choose "Follow friend") and when the leading user accepts the request, he becomes as a "Moving destination" for user (users) who asked him. The other use of this feature is "Follow ME" when leading user invites friend (friends) to follow him. When friend(s) accept it, they can follow him.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2023 and this idea won't be implemented this year. We hope to have it included in our plans for later years and will keep you posted.
علیرضا میرزاجانی commented
علیرضا میرزاجانی commented
Hello, every user has an ID
Please make it possible for me to see him live and find him and move towards him with the ID given by the other party, by creating access from his side and turning on his location.
Does that mean it is possible? -
Pedro Henrique commented
O aplicativo poderia possuir uma opção de "comboio "(situação de viagens longas) onde o usuário poderia adicionar outros que possuem o aplicativo em uma área de "Amigos" e selecionar os Amigos de sua lista para iniciar uma viagem.
No mapa mostraria cada veículo adicionado ao comboio e a velocidade dos mesmos e na parte de baixo do layout poderia possuir um botão de alerta, caso um dos veículos estivesse com problemas ou se tiver alguma interferência na pista -
Deivson commented
Boa tarde!
Essa é apenas uma sugestão para viagem em grupo. Sugiro que wazers que estejam viajando para um mesmo destino possam conseguir se visualizar no mapa. -
Deivson commented
Essa é apenas uma sugestão para viagem em grupo. Sugiro que wazers que estejam viajando para um mesmo destino possam conseguir se visualizar no mapa.
mitch haven commented
Glympse your friend
Sam Davis commented
I dont think this would be that useful in the way presented, but a shared destination and notification if a car adds a stop then it could present the option to add the stop to the other car.
Stoleru Florin commented
It would be useful for Waze to allow sharing a route among multiple cars, facilitating coordination and group travel.
Jeff Burdick commented
Caravan or convoy mode
Allows groups of wazers that are friends that are going to the Same place to have group directions and share group information
See the slowest convoy member (the slowpoke)
Allow for group messaging
Alerts when convoy members join the convoy or get off the route or stop for gas -
S. Buffum (Ducatislave) commented
Indeed, a Convoy or Roadtrip mode for when you have a group of cars all on the same trip(multi family vacations), there should be a Leader or Route controller. This is the person who can invite others and alter the route being taken. The people invited should only be able to view the route but not alter it. Also they should be able to suggest a stop or send a quick notice when a pit stop is needed. There should also be an alert for the Leader if someone drops too far back ( distance set by the route leader).
Shlomitablett commented
שתי הצעות: הצעה ראשונה היא שיתוף נסיעה לאותו יעד כמה חברים ואפשרות לראות את מוביל הדרך על גבי המפה כך שאם הוא עצר להתרעננות כולם יוכלו לראות ולעצור באותו מקום ומבלי צורך להודיע אחד לשני בוואצ או בשיחה. הצעה שניה היא אפשרות לבנות מסלול נסיעה אישי כך לדוגמא אם אני נוסע לאילת האפליקציה מציעה כניסה לכביש 6 בתשלום אך אני מעדיף חצי דרך לנסוע רגיל כי אני יוצא מוקדם בבוקר ולהשתלב אחכ בחצי הדרך לכביש האגרה ולא מההתחלה שלו שאז זה יקר מדי עבורי. צריכה להיות אפשרות שאבחר על גבי המפה מס כבישים בהם אני בוחר לנסוע.
Ollie commented
It would be great to be able to invite friends using a code to a convoy - to be able to have the same destination and see where each other are along the route - maybe even their speed too? Let me know if anyone else likes this idea but would be cool.
Tobraham commented
Life360 is great for this. Create a circle of friends or family and you can all find each other in real time.
Vitor Goiabeira commented
This is great, i really need this.
Dvir Hanum commented
It would be super cool, when a group of friends are going to a trip, to share the destination and to be able to track on the same map where each one of them and gets an estimation for how long is it going for him to arrive
Legend ! commented
Exciting idea.
Mariana Freitas commented
Já pensaram em subir uma feature para o usuário seguir outro usuário pelo GPS? Estamos seguindo nossos primos aqui na cidade deles e isso fez falta
Anonymous commented
Pouvoir passer en mode convoi pour partager un même itinéraire entre plusieurs véhicules, se proposer des pauses à un endroit donné, proposer des changements d’itinéraires, et retrouver les autres véhicules du convoi sur la carte quand quelqu’un se perds
Ralph commented
You should be able to link your Waze with someone else’s, this way if you’re driving somewhere in different cars you can see how behind/ahead of you they are.
Anonymous commented
I think its a grate idea.. sometimes my parents follow me with their car and i lose them.. than i need to stop somewhere in a dangerous roads.. and that could be very helpfull