Waze Suggestion Box
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1540 results found
Fix the C3PO voice advice.
The voice suggests, "Turn right (or left), Master." This is offputting to many of us, sensitive to the term, 'Master', implying slavery. Perhaps if he said, "Turn right (or left), Master Jedi, it would be more acceptable. As an Uber driver, I've had riders complain about that, so I went back to the generic voice.
2 votes -
Voice prompts on lock screen
I want to get voice prompts through Bluetooth on a lock screen while riding my motorcycle while my cell is in my pocket. How can I do that? Seems to work sometimes but not consistently
3 votes -
Essential + Limited voice navigation during phone call
When making phone calls in the car, voice navigation can be highly distracting, yet it's still important to have critical turn-by-turn navigation when you're headed to an unfamiliar destination.
2 votes -
Notification-style sound instead of voice.
Waze has 2 styles for navigation guidance:
1 is full voice alerts; and
2 is alerts only for hazards and missed turn/exit/...When normal navigation voice is selected, a voice will alert me of of an upcoming exit in 1 mile, then 1/4 of mile. sometimes a .1 mile and if another "turn" or "keep right" is after that, I might have 1-3 minutes of alerts and stopped music.
Because of this I mostly use Alerts Only but then this setting does not alert me of of upcoming turns unless I miss my exit. I must have the app open…
3 votes -
Rambo Voice
Waze users NEED a Rambo voice!! We need John Rambo telling us how to get to work and other places!!! We, Waze users and the internet itself, beg of you, the people behind Waze, to do us this solid!
Thank you1 vote -
Please add a permanent voice pack for T.A.R.S. from movie Interstellar.
Please add a permanent voice pack for T.A.R.S. from movie Interstellar.
6 votes -
Voice Instructions: Bear Right, Keep Right
Voice navigation instructions use "Keep Right (Left) in 2 conditions making it a bit confusing: When on an undivided road approaching a divided section of the same road, and when approaching an intersection with a gradual right (left) turn. "Bear Right (Left)" would be a more appropriate instruction for the 2d situation.
6 votes -
Voice directions repeats and updates
If I receive a voice message of probable long duration e.g. "Follow route for 10 miles" followed by a period of silence I get nervous after a time that I have made a road selection mistake. An on-screen option or a Settings switchable option to repeat last voice message or current voice message would be reassuring eg every 5 miles or every 5 minutes..
1 vote -
Use the voice of Sam Heughan (star of "Outlander") - the show is a big hit in UK, USA, Australia, etc.
Use the voice of Sam Heughan (star of "Outlander" TV show) - clear scottish accent - the show is a big hit in UK, USA, Australia, etc. Would be good idea for a sales pitch.
732 votesThank you for your suggestion. We will add this voice request to our User Request wish-list.
Would you fix the problem of no voice directions on iPhones please.
Something must have happened recently to delete the voice/sound on my iPhone8 Plus. No voice directions for maybe 2 weeks. Please fix this.
2 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Master Yoda's voice
It's can be awesome!
'Left,you must turn' and such.
And if there's a cop:'Storm trooper ahead!'201 votesThank you for your suggestion. We will add this voice request to our User Request wish-list.
Listening tone.... When ready to accept a voice comand
When you tap to give a voice comand a box comes up with a red bar that turns green when the app is ready to listen to the comand.... If you speak to early you have to try again and unless you keep you eye on the bar you have to guess when to start to talk. There should be a tone that signals the green listening mode.
7 votes -
Use John Legend's Voice for Directions
Use John Legend's Voice for Directions
1 vote -
Change sound settings by voice command
Change sounds settings by voice command instead of by hand as sometimes the change in needed quickly
Additionally it would be a good idea to be able to make reports by voice instead of using hands1 vote -
Hire The VOICE of SGT. Frank Woods from Call of Duty!
James C Burns. Originated, performed and wrote the dialog for the character of Sgt. FRANK WOODS for over a decade...His work is funny and inspiring... Millions of people have of grown up listening to his one liners and find it easy and familiar to follow his voice commands. AND...JAMES could probably write the content for WAZE as well as...maybe look into it? His contact is jcb@icewaterproducitons.com
10 votes -
Make voice commands work all the time, on every platform.
voice commands don't work most of the time on some platforms.
This has been the case for years. Fix it3 votes -
A voice for parents that reminds them to take the kid out
Every year we have several cases of kids who are forgotten in the car. Add a voice that is just like the normal one, only after saying "you have arrived" it reminds you to make sure no one is left in the car.
It can also be another notification recorded in all voices and if you mark you are a parent, it will be added after each ride.11 votesThank you for your suggestion! As you may know, Waze already includes a Child in Car reminder. To enable it, go to Settings > Reminders > Child in Car reminder
How It's Made Voice
Please get Brooks Moore for a navigator voice, the American narrator for Discovery Channel's How It's Made.
1 vote -
Add Steve Brule as a Waze voice ya dingus
They need to have Dr Steven Brule as voice option to Waze
1 vote -
Ability to save or purchase Voice Options
when the Minions voice went away, it caused a meltdown with my children!
Would love the ability to save a voice, but honestly I would purchase the Minions voice if it was possible!
1 vote
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