Map Editor Suggestions
Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!
This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.
1207 results found
Replace ':' and '>' by a direction field
Hi guys,
The idea would be to replace the ':' or '>' instructions present on segments by a direction field that
would not display on the segment name but would allow to construct the guidance instructions.This would allow to properly manage the direction signs in the city without having this kind a street : "Street Chip: Dale area" and easily managed the directions in roundabouts, etc.
Thanks for your feedback.
by Ardillon42
Link to original suggestion: votesHey!
Thank you for this suggestion.We are currently working on a road shields feature for the WME, and we believe this suggestion will be addressed as part of this development.
We will update accordingly.
6 votes
Please, add 'morgue' to the list of POI type in map editor.
Please, add 'morgue' to the list of POI type in map editor because I'm not sure what exactly category I have to select for it. Thanks!
3 votes -
Seria bem melhor a navegação via satélite como se encontra no maps venho aki como um todo pq ja faz tempo que espero po essa opção
Visualização de modo satélite.. com a opção de ativa quando bem quisesse como se encontra no Maps...
3 votes -
A Superintendência da Barra mudou de nome, para Subprefeitura da Barra, Recreio e Vargens. Endereço: Avenida Ayrton Senna, 2001 Barra da T
A Superintendência da Barra mudou de nome, para Subprefeitura da Barra, Recreio e Vargens.
Endereço: Avenida Ayrton Senna, 2001
Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro
RJ1 vote -
Gostaria de fazer uma sugestão. vamos lá, caso adotem. O waze poderia dizer se o caminho escolhido está chovendo ou não. Isso seria útil para condutores de moto, mas não só. Outra sugestão seria uma opção para bloquear a tela contra toques acidentais quando aberto. Quando chove os pingos caem na tela e atrapalham e chegam a fechar o waze.
2 votes -
Quick pop up when a lane is closed
Have a feature stating that a road is closed to avoid traffic build up.
6 votes -
Adicionar postos que possuem GNV
Adicionar postos que possuem combustível GNV
9 votes -
Shops and services
It's missing
Truck mode, Modo para camiones
Español: Agreguen modo para camiones, ya que al no señalar donde hay tuneles o su altura pueden ocurrir accidentes y no quiero que eso suceda.
English: Add mode for trucks, since by not indicating where there are tunnels or their height accidents can occur and I do not want that to happen.
Portugués: Modo add para caminhões, pois ao não indicar onde existem túneis ou sua altura podem ocorrer acidentes e eu não quero que isso aconteça.
4 votes -
[REQUEST] Feed Filters
It would be very nice if we could filter the feed by notification types (more or less like URO+ does, but without having to reload the feed several times to find the ones you selected).
Options suggested:
Notifications (checkboxes):
- PURs (and subtypes);
- URs (and subtypes);
- PMs.Areas:
- State XX (particularly useful for SMs and CMs);
- Areas driven [last XX days];
- Country (useful for CMs);
- All editable areas.Those above are what I miss the most. But, since we're at it, some extra suggestions would be:
Listing reason:
- Reported by you;
- New…9 votes -
Option for not enabling Closed updates layer when opening UR
The latest version of WME will now enable the Closed updates layer when opening a UR. Many editors don't want or need this, so I am suggesting a toggle (setting) to prevent this from occurring.
4 votes -
Waze Christmas lights marker
Make it so WAZE can mark houses on the map that have Christmas lights. so people in the community they live in or just visiting can do drive bys. Let the marker stay until after christmas. You can do the same for halloween.
6 votes -
Points de recharge électrique / choix du véhicule
bonjour, pour les utilisateurs de véhicules électriques il n'y a pas encore ce choix de "carburant" ni les points de recharges sur la carte.
6 votes -
Topes en Mexico
Debería existir la opción de agregar los topes en todos los estados de México, ya que cuando es de noche o llueve estos no se distinguen, ya que muchos no están pintados como advertencia de reducción e velocidad.
10 votes -
RoadBlock option
The other day the whole street I was routed too was blocked by the police and firefighters ( have to go for alternative routes for many, many blocks ) and when I try to report it in the map didn’ found this option
4 votes -
Show presence of wildfires and allow for user generated alerts of wildfire presence and closures due to wildfires. Create enhanced emergency alerts if user is near wildfire radius.
Partner perhaps with AREDN mesh network for live data feeds.7 votes -
Waze Voices
We need to have at least Gabriel Iglesias as the voice, specially he has those funny comedy remarks he can add to the Waze map voice
6 votes -
Toggle feature at railroad crossings.
At railroad crossings add a toggle feature to alert when trains are actively passing
4 votes -
Relief sur les cartes
Ça serait bien d’avoir le relief sur les routes avec les hauteurs d’altitude
4 votes
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