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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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1041 results found

  1. Require Place Update Request approvers to confirm deletions & other major changes

    Please add an extra layer of confirmation before saving in WME, if approving a PUR would remove a Place, change it from an Area to a Point, or change it from Public to Residential (all actions that delete a lot of data).

    A change of the place's primary name should also require an extra layer of confirmation before saving, this is even more common than deletion although less immediately destructive.

    Why do I bring this up? A Rank 6 editor, or possibly Waze staff, recently deleted the Area Place for San Francisco International Airport. It had been locked at Rank…

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  2. Testing routes in waze map editor

    I would like to test a route, from A to B, in the map editor to check if the optimal route is chosen and find the reason why not. It could be easier to find that waze leads astray which happened to me this summer. Waze tried to lead me against a one way street.

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  3. Warning Node (For editors level 3 + ) / Crear un Nodo de avisos (Editores nivel 3 o más)

    English: I'm thinking of give the option of create a node with specific instructions readable by the waze voice on the road for experimental editors (level 3 + ) example: slow down, pot hole in 300mts, slow school zone, etc.

    Español: La idea es crear un nodo que editores expertos (3+) puedan configurar con instrucciones especificas para zonas que no tienen cambios de un dia a otro, estas instruccinoes las leeria la app y daria aviso a los conductores. Ejemlo:

    Bajar velocidad zona de baches; bajar velocidad zona escolar, cuidado construcción mas adelante, entro a zona de derrumbes, tope en…

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  4. Advertisment Error Handling

    Please change Paid Advertisement Handling to have them appear on the Map Editor after they have appeared and allow Editors to submit update requests that Advertisers need to acknowledge. The existing Google forms that are posted in the forum are worthless. I have submitted multiple forms for Kroger Ad issues around greater Columbus, Ohio that do not appear to have any affect. (Also, I have never received feedback on a report filed.) A month later another Ad shows up with the store still located 3 blocks away from its actual location. If the Ad Place appeared in the Editor and…

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  5. A road type for drive though's in the map editor.

    When driving around in a drive through i always end up on the main street or in a parking lot. the "parking lot" road option is currently the best way to describe them but its not really that or a private road either.

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  6. Change timing of color change for URs in Feed in WME

    Presently, the bubbles in the WME Feed for URs change to Orange around 6 or 7 days, and Red at 10 days, to indicate attention is needed for a stale UR. Most AMs think this timing is too long. Either set the color change to a standard enterprise-wide timing (4-7 seems to be the most popular), or allow editors to set the color changes to personal preference.

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  7. Let me create custom routes on the map editor, that can be pushed to my device(s).

    I know all the best routes from work to home and vice versa. Let me create those routes in the map editor then "push" or I can "fetch" them to my device(s). Then when I get in my car and open waze and asks if I'm going home or to work the first routes it pulls from are my custom ones, and creates a heat map list or something that I can choose from.

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  8. Give editors a pushbutton to clear the WME search location field

    Please give editors the ability to remove the text that is already entered into the "search location" field. This could be as simple as when clicking to put the cursor in the field, all the text is highlighted so that you can start typing. Another option would be to give an icon that clears the field. Of note, the looking glass icon appears to do nothing, we could replace it with a clear field icon.

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  9. Turn on u-turns by default in WME

    In those countries where u-turns are allowed please turn it on by default in the WME so I don't have to manually edit every time.

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  10. Add function to upload Point of Interest (POI) and Speed Camera databases

    An easier editor should be available to upload bulk CSV data of POI and Speed Camera databases, instead of updating and marking one by one. This would help smaller communities get up to speed with Waze updates.

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  11. Add a "Map problems in my areas" list in the editor

    It's time wasting to look for map problems in my areas. It would be easier if they could be found in a list, so I could use more time to correct the map, and less looking for problems

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  12. Limit locking of segments and Speed Cams, as some admins are very precious about their wrong edits and lock everything

    Some admins are over possessive of their edits that are wrong in many cases, and just lock everything they do including speed cam locations or small segments. This in my opinion is totally against the crowdsourcing model of Waze where you get the best up to date data by millions of users who can't actually override those locked edits!

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  13. Could you add express lane support.

    Could you add express lane support. I would like to be able to edit the map for express lanes and when they are open be directed to take them when I can! Right now waze gets confused when I use the express lanes and tends to direct me on the slow freeway.

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  14. Custom layers for map editor.

    It could be helpful in map editing, if users could add their own layers. Just for their own use, for example shape or wms.
    Users may have access to local map layers that they can use to add landmarks or edit roads. At the moment I can only rely on blurry bing aerial map, gps tracks and memory.

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  15. Clientview in WME

    A function in WME, which allows to preview the view, as it looks on the client then.

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  16. Control the map editor clique

    The map editors in my area seemed to have formed a clique of "insiders" who do not permit others to try map editing. Everything is locked down to "level 2" or "level 3" and above, so anyone who is new to map editing is unable to do ANYTHING. The one time I made a change, I was questioned and given some snippy attitude about it. Then, the map editors undid my change, and locked that section to a higher level. I think there should be some kind of oversight for calling out zealous map editors. Just because they started earlier…

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  17. אפשרות להצעת שינויים על דרכים נעולות

    להוסיף אפשרות בעריכת המפה לשלוח הצעות לשינויים נעולים. שתהיה האפשרות לשלוח הצעה לשינוי דרכים נעולות עקב רמה נמוכה
    ואם אפשר בבקשה להסביר בצורה יותר טובה איך עולים שלבים, כמה נקודות כל שלב, ואפשרויות לעלות שלבים מהר לרציניים

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  18. Remove Two-Way Segments

    Two-way segments are very rarely necessary and are very often overused by map editors to oversimplify maps. Even the smallest "two-way roads" have at least one lane dedicated to each of the two directions. Having each segment representing a single roadway will permit maps and navigation that are more intuitive to the users of the app, and perhaps help avoid the tendency of editors to try to combine separate roadways into one segment.

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  19. Color-coded according to speed in editor

    A feature that had been good when you are editing speed limits would be to go into a "Edit mode for the speed limit" just as the house number.
    That all roads would be color-coded according to speed. and roads with no speed would be gray, so you can easily see which roads have the limitation and which have not.

    Another thing that would be great is that you can put limits whereever on the road and not just at a crossing. Again, just as the house number.

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  20. Make it possible in editor to mark where the main lobby is for businesses

    It would be awesome if we could have the ability to mark where the front/main lobby is for business, such as hotels and hospitals. As a delivery driver, I have a hard time for finding entrances to business in strip malls as well, so being able to mark them would not only help delivery drivers, but everyone else as well.

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