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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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1207 results found

  1. Route by best value rather than fastest route

    Waze has, on multiple occasions, suggested long detours that are expected to only be a few minutes faster. When you consider the fuel-costs, cost to operate, etc. this is equivalent to paying a toll to save a few minutes.

    If a wazer could specify the value of their time and the cost of operating their vehicle then the route planning could find the route with the lowest cost (cost being value of one minute X duration of drive plus operating cost X length of drive).

    Since many wazers might not understand how to determine the correct value for their time…

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  2. Navigate to place point by address

    As we've added more parking lot roads to shopping centers wazers have become accustomed to being directed to a specific store when they search by name. As a result, they are reporting navigation errors when navigating by address results in a stop point on the road in front of the stopping center. This is particularly bad when the route has to circle around the shopping center to reach the house number.

    To work around this, we've taken to adding both a PP and a RPP when a store in a shopping center has a unique address.

    It would be great…

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  3. Add gates to the map that can be opened, or closed, for each individual wazer

    Every private installation currently has two, or more, roles (employee/visitor/secret/resident/etc) that are often poorly understood by the map editors. Currently, editors are forced to choose one role then use various segment types to direct wazers to the gate(s) used by that role. For example, in a gated neighborhood we might set the public entrance to local street while all of the resident-only entrances are private road.

    This idea is to have WME support a gate icon that could be dropped onto a segment. These gates would then be visible on the app's map as buttons which a wazer could select…

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  4. Editor Profile daily edit count displayed date

    On the editor profile page (, the daily edit count pill boxes advance at midnight GMT. The date displayed on mouseover shows the date relative to local time. This means after 1600 my time (-8), it will show today's date for edits in the previous 24 hours. At midnight local, the dates all switch and show the "correct" date until 1600 again.

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  5. WME Chat Time Stamps

    WME Chat should have a time stamp so we know when someone commented.

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  6. Enforce better minimum segment lengths

    WME currently allows segment lengths down to 1 m. However, editors are told that Waze will not measure traffic speeds accurately over such short segments and that mapping them could degrade the end-user experience. Different regions may have different recommendations for minimum segment length, but if anybody knows the best minimum length, it should be Waze itself. If Waze will not function properly with extremely short segment lengths, then WME should not allow them.

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    Hi all, 

    Thanks for this suggestion. We currently have other features which can account for this, like Roadshields and the towards option. 

    Editors should continue to avoid creating short segments where they aren't necessary, however this issue will be resolved by other future feature releases. 

    Many thanks, 

    Waze Communities Team

  7. Internal editor Notes on User Reports

    Give editors the ability to enter Notes onto User Reports without these going to the reporters themselves.

    This will allow us to leave messages for other map editors without the reporter being notified, for example, Please leave open - due to a Waze developer investigation, Please leave open for a pending site survey, etc.

    It may also give us the ability to for to use for an internal conversation about the report that the reporter doesn't need to know about.

    Yes, I know we have Map Comments, but having the ability to do this directly on the report would make…

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  8. Speed ​​limit map error

    I would insert the ability to see the speed limit map errors reported by users with the function to be enabled or disabled in the control panel.
    This possibility, unfortunately, is only available for those who have access to the WME beta but it can be free for everyone.

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  9. 6 votes

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  10. A map problem for a suspected closed venue

    Many venues that are closed remain in the WME and become WME garbage. During the years these "garbage venues" are growing in number, and the editors do not pay attention to them.
    I suggest that there will be a new map problem that will pop up when a venue was not a destination of any navigation for a year or two. If the MP is closed without deleting the venue, it will reset the time for that venue (as though it was a navigation destination).

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  11. Practice mode in WME while logged in

    As far as I know, after logging into the WME, the user cannot enter practice mode anymore.
    I suggest that besides "Default mode" and "Event mode", there will be "Practice mode" that will enable anyone to go into the practice mode directly even when already logged in. This might be useful for anyone who wants to try to edit in order to test something or to illustrate some edit option (and take a snapshot of it), and also it is suggested to enable entrance into the tutorial videos from there.

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  12. Stop automatic editing over all recordings

    About two months ago a change was made so that every recorded segment is automatically edited by a bot (admin). It is suggested to cancel this change. This will make it easier to recognize a recoding, especially when scripts are used which make it difficult to notice the segment's color. A recording was previously recognized by having just a "created" line and without an "edited" line. We now cannot be sure whether the segment was edited between its creation and the admin edit, and we have to open the segment history or stop the scripts which color the segments.

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  13. Permit Alphanumeric Prefix in RPP HN

    App users can create RPPs with alphanumeric prefixes but WME allows neither the creation, nor editing of RPPs containing them.

    Suggest at least allowing N, S, E, W prefixes on HN portion of an RPP to pass checks on save.

    In Wisconsin, a large part of the state's addresses use alphanumeric HNs.

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  14. Harmonize poor-road nomenclature to "Poor roads"

    Please harmonize the nomenclature Waze uses for roads that may beat up cars or get them dirty.

    Currently, WME allows marking segments as "unpaved", while the companion feature in the app allows the driver to avoid "dirt". But unpaved and dirt are two different things; for example, many would consider a gravel road to be unpaved, but few would call it dirt. Meanwhile, even some paved roads have such poor surface quality that local drivers might wish to avoid them in favor of better alternatives.

    Since the underlying goal is to allow drivers to avoid roads with poor surface quality,…

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  15. Harmonize poor-road nomenclature to "Poor roads"

    Please harmonize the nomenclature Waze uses for roads that may beat up cars or get them dirty.

    Currently, WME allows marking segments as "unpaved", while the companion feature in the app allows the driver to avoid "dirt". But unpaved and dirt are two different things; for example, many would consider a gravel road to be unpaved, but few would call it dirt. Meanwhile, even some paved roads have such poor surface quality that local drivers might wish to avoid them in favor of better alternatives.

    Since the underlying goal is to allow drivers to avoid roads with poor surface quality,…

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  16. Allow high-level editors to assign low-lev editors a higher level for a defined area

    Allow high-level editors to assign low-lev editors a higher level for a defined area.
    In active areas of constructions/modifications of new/existing roads there might be a lot of adjustments of primary roads/highways (L4/5) which a midlevel (L3) have better local knowledge of the progress.
    Today we have to request that a set of segments have be opened (lowered level) and later restored.
    I propose that a high level (L5/6) editor can assign a user a higher level for a specific area and maybe specific time-period (the same way as a comment can cover an area)

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  17. Differentiate Visiting Helpers/Raiders from True Area Managers

    Please differentiate between visiting helpers/raiders and true Area Managers. At present, temporary map raiders and other visiting helpers are typically provided with editable area by granting them "Area Manager" status. As a result, community tools do not distinguish between visiting helpers and dedicated local managers. This can confuse editors, particularly beginners and visitors, who want to identify a true Area Manager for a region in order to open a conversation on local issues. It may also demoralize true Area Managers when the same status they worked hard for, and feel proud to have been granted, appears to be granted with…

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  18. Addition of a road type: Dangerous or Unsafe road

    It is suggested to add one more road type: Dangerous or Unsafe road. This type will be used for example when it is a very steep or winding or bumpy road, or a road on the edge of an abyss.
    The time it takes to pass the road in such cases is not the only parameter that counts.
    It is suggested that the "penalty" for passing such a road will be proportional to its length. For example 1 minute for every 100m.

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  19. I would like to suggest some corrections to your map

    How do I give you changes or updates to your maps. Google allows this.

    Wonders of Winter in Waterloo is shown at the correct location on the map but the address is wrong. Address is Central Drive but lists Young St as this is the park address.

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  20. Earlier warning

    Speed cameras are now rear facing. So could you please increase your warning time for speed cameras and Police, broken down cars....

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