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Map Editor Suggestions

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This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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1216 results found

  1. Switch editor profile ROW/IL/NA

    When an editor makes changes and we want to see what was done (usually flagged in the high volume report), senior editors will often check the editor profile. If that editor is from another environment (ROW visitor to NA, etc), and their last edits were in the home environment, we have no way to see what edits were made in our environment.

    Please add an ability to change the edit history per environment. This could be a drop down on the environment currently displayed, or adding an environment option to the URL (env=usa).

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  2. add Solar energy power plant for places type

    Please add Solar energy power plant for places type (for ex. Ashalim).

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  3. 3 votes

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  4. Issue Tracker - add filter by Language

    Now that the Language setting is attached to URs, it would be very beneficial in terms of efficiency to have the ability to filter by language in the Issue Tracker.

    The filter should allow editors to select one or more languages and either include or exclude the selection.

    For example:
    1. include: English + French + Greek
    2. exclude: Greek

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  5. Possibility for editors to create map update requests, for changes that need higher level editors.

    Many times I can see needed changes or map problems that are prohibited for my level to edit or fix. But there is no option to report these issues to the higher levels, inside the map editor.
    Should I have to drive there and create a map issue report?

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  6. Issue Tracker: within the Areas I Manage list, add an "All my areas" option

    An All my areas option will give me a high-level view of all the areas I manage without selecting each area.

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  7. Ability to delete your previous comments inside a map comment

    Map Comments allow for conversation, with comments by users. Can we have the ability to delete our own previous comments?

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  8. Allow forcing a closure to expire (instead of deleting the closure)

    The WME shows now the status of all recently finished and all active closures. A deleted closure will not be visible anymore.
    For that reason, we prefer to "finish" closures instead of deleting them.
    It would be nice to have an option in the context menu of closures, to make the closure expire, by setting its end moment to now.

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  9. Acceptance of adding a road closure without the need to manually specify the "event"

    I often handle the addition and removal of road closures via phone, but when I enter the dates, I am required to specify the type of event for it to be accepted. I believe it would be better to make the option more seamless, so that if "Add" is clicked, the road closure is added. If there is an event, I will certainly add it, but there’s no need to force me to select the "None" option just to proceed with the addition.

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  10. Add km and miles distance to the navigation screen

    Please, update the app to show the distance with both km and miles at the same time.
    On the bottom of the navigation screen (after setting the destination) there is plenty of space, I grew up on a country that uses km, now I live in the US that uses miles, but it will take a long time to get used to it, therefore showing both simultaneously (e.g 10 mi / 16 km) would be perfect!

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  11. Use URL to add external provider

    Sometimes WME fails to locate a right matching place from Google Maps, but the place can be found with Google search engine. As a solution I suggest to enable WME to assign a matching place also by a known URL from Google Maps.

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  12. Resumen de viaje

    Sería muy útil que al final de cada viaje aparezca un resumen con la distancia recorrida, el tiempo de viaje total, la velocidad máxima y la velocidad promedio del viaje. Dado que con frecuencia repetimos los viajes, p.e. de la casa al trabajo y la ruta inversa, también podría incluir un comparativo de distancia y tiempo para esa ruta.

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  13. Colocar acceso directo a botón(es) para la creación de lugares

    Crear unos botones de acceso directo para crear rápidamente lugares/puntos, y no tener que esta abriendo el menú contextual para cada creación, tambien el sistema a veces no guarda los nombres de los lugares y queda en blanco, si al sistema se le pudiera agregar que detecte cuando ocurre eso y envie un aviso o ponga el "pin" con rojo o algún color único para ubicarlo mientras editamos, gracias.

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  14. Route bar


    i would like to have a "Route Bar" on the screen. TomTom has it and it is great. You can see Petrol stations that are directly on your route, traffic incidents, speed camerasda, nger zones, rest stops and so on along your route.

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  15. Why did you get rid of the 'animals' on the side of the road?

    Why did you get rid of the 'animals' on the side of the road? I now have to alert people about deer, etc by clicking on the general 'hazard'

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  16. Turn openings (temporary green arrow)

    I loved "turn closures", but now I see the need to have "turn openings".

    For example, a left turn is usually prohibited (red arrow). However, due to an event occurring on the next block, this left turn is temporarily allowed (green arrow) for a few hours on a specific day.

    This is a common situation and, depending on the location, can save a lot of time by avoiding an unnecessary detour of several kilometers.

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  17. follow the screen display of Apple Maps and display the miles and time to destination along with the exit number on a highway

    follow the example of the navigation screen display of Apple Maps and display the miles and highway exit numbers

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  18. ]bz2012 ⑤ AM La: There is a problem I keep encountering: "accessable parking" is NOT allowed except for 'parking lot' places but many place

    ]bz2012 ⑤ AM La: There is a problem I keep encountering: "accessable parking" is NOT allowed except for 'parking lot' places but many places try to add the feature on non parking lot locations.

    It should really be allowed anywhere customer parking is allowed.

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  19. Road shields, ability to add different sign as override to the major one used for that street name

    In Finland, we currently have named roads as "180 - Saaristotie" etc. and would like to get rid of the number in street name and just leave the shield. But that is not possible because we have quite a few locations where road number changes while road name stays the same. Another problem is when road category changes to minor road so that the number drops off completely.

    So there is a need for feature where you could set an override shield to selected segments while the default sign for that road name stays active on other segments.

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  20. Radar

    Alguns radares o waze não avisa mesmo com o alerta ligado e acima da velocidade, favor consultar os órgãos de acordo com a resolução 798/20 e 804/20

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